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Black Eye Cures

​Black Eye Cures  

Bleeding beneath the skin around the eye is called black eye. Most black eyes are fairly minor injuries as many heal without treatment in a few days.

Face of a boy with a bruise under his eyesHowever, a black eye may indicate serious injuries e.g. if the area surrounding both eyes is bruised after a head injury this could indicate a skull fracture.

How to take care of a black eye?   

  • Apply a cloth filled with ice or a cold pack with gentle pressure to the area around the eye. This will reduce the swelling. Make sure not to press the eye itself.
  • Be sure there's no blood within the white and colored parts of the eye.
  • If there is severe pain, double vision, blurring, bleeding in the eye or from the nose seek medical care immediately.


This information is provided by the NGHA Content Advisory Board and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your health care provider.

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Last Modified

12/3/2020 12:56 PM