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Anesthesia - Al Ahsa

Welcome to the Department of Anaesthesiology at the King Abdulaziz Hospital Al Ahsa. The Medical Centre is part of the National Guard Health Affairs, one of the largest health care providers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The King Abdulaziz National Guard Hospital in Al Ahsa is a 300 beds tertiary centre providing state of the art anaesthetic interventions and pain management for adults, children and neonates.

Our Anaesthesiology Department focused on establishing excellence in patient care, medical education and clinical research to meet the Strategic Plan of the National Guard Health Care System and our staff rendered their service to the patients, working as experts in providing the Anaesthesia in Pre-operative Clinics, in the main Operating theatres, Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialty theatres and Day Surgery Unit. Anaesthesia services also provided for Angiography suite, ERCP, endoscopy and MRI.

Our primary goal is to serve the patients with the finest care through collaboration with all the members of the health care team and utilization of continuous quality improvement principles. To achieve these goals, Anaesthesiology department is a key partner in providing evidenced based in clinical care for the post-operative patient, effective pain management for all the patients. We monitor our practise through continuous audit of our practise and have KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) which are analysed on monthly basis. We are part of well-developed Anaesthesia residency training programme for the young physicians seeking a challenging career in anaesthesiology, and we are committed to the full integration of our interests in clinical practice, medical education and research.

We highly appreciate your interest in visiting our website and please do not hesitate to contact us for any queries you may have.

Thank you and best regards,


Chairman, Anesthesiology Department

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

King Abdulaziz Hospital –Al Ahsa

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Division Capacity

Anesthesiology department is dedicated to provide the highest quality and safe anesthesia practice for patients in a 24/7 coverage. Our staff consists of 8 consultants including the chairman, 2 associate consultants, 1 assistant consultant, 5 staff physicians, 6 residents and 11 anesthesia technicians who have dedicated themselves to patient safety.

Anesthesiology Department provides coverage for more than 6000 procedures per year, in 8 operating rooms and in different units within the hospital. Anesthesia is administered for all types of surgeries, including General laparoscopic, bariatric, thoracic, pediatric and neonatal, obstetrics & gynecology, neurosurgical, cranio-facial and spine operations as well as certain radiological, medical and dental procedures. Pre-operative medical/surgical evaluations, regional and general anesthetics, labor epidurals, post-operative pain management, chronic pain management and emergency services are all provided by the department. The department provides a wide range of clinical anesthesia services in both in-patient and outpatient settings in the day surgery unit.

Consultations are performed for severe pain problems (chronic pain clinic, sedation for radiology imaging and complex medical problems before surgery (pre- anesthesia consultation). The department is giving the same standard of anesthesiology care for healthy and critically ill children in the operating theatre.

Scope of Services

The department serves following surgical specialties.

  1. General and laparoscopic surgery

  2. Bariatric surgery

  3. Plastic Surgery

  4. Urology

  5. ENT

  6. Maxillofacial

  7. Pediatrics

  8. Trauma and Orthopedics

  9. Vascular surgery

  10. Breast surgery

  11. Thoracic surgery

  12. Ophthalmology

  13. Spine and Neurosurgery

  14. Obstetrics and gynecology

  15. Dental surgery

  16. Day Surgery

  17. ERCP/MRI/Interventional radiology.

  18. Pain intervention


Dr. Waqas Asghar


Contact Information


Phone and Extensions: 00966135339999. Ext: 33158/33159

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Last Modified

3/6/2023 2:24 PM