Cardiac Anethesia

King Abdulaziz Cardiac Center’s Division of Cardiac Anesthesiology offers outstanding anesthetic care for Adult and Pediatric Cardiology patients.

In April 2011, for better care of cardiac patients, the Division of Anesthesiology was separated from the Department of Anesthesiology. Since then, Cardiac Anesthesiologists have taken care of many cases for variable procedures and require wide-ranging expertise in the anesthetic management of patients.

Recently, LVAD and heart transplant procedures require special skills. The staff members are a highly integrated, collaborative group of adult and pediatric anesthesiologists committed to providing safe, specialized, and the best possible care to patients with cardiovascular needs.

Cardiac Anethesia Capacity

Cardiac Anesthesiologists, on average, have been taking care of more than 1800 patients each year. This large number of cases for variable procedures requires wide-ranging expertise in the anesthetic management of patients. Anesthesia Services daily are:

  • 4 OR Theatre + 1 Hybrid Room (Total 5)

  • 4 Cathlab + 1 EP Room (Total 5)

  • MRI and Non-cardiac surgery for non-cardiac patient

Our current staffing includes seven consultants, one assistant consultant, and three staff physicians.

We proudly claim that through our Saudi Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship Training Program, we have among our ranks an individual who is well trained and provides an admirable service as an Adult and Pediatric Consultant Cardiac Anesthesiologist.

Cardiac Anethesia Scope of Services

Cardiac Anaesthesia services include:
    • Providing anesthesia care for both adult and pediatric open and closed heart surgery and heart transplant.
    • Pre-operative and post-operative support to cardiac surgery patients.
    • Intra-operative Transesophageal echocardiography.
    • Supportive role in the cardiac medical and surgical intensive care. units, particularly with pain management and ventilatory care.
    • Anesthesia for pediatric cardiac catheterization.
    • Anesthesia for sedation as required for adult cardiac catheterization.
    • Supervise recovery of cardiac catheterization patients.
    • Anesthesia and recovery services for cardiac MRI.
    • Consultations when requested for inpatients or pre-anesthetic clinic and assistance with the resuscitation and management of critically ill patients or cardiac arrest situations.

Procedures for which our experts provide anesthesia services in adults include:

  • Revascularization

  • Valve repair and replacement

  • Major ascending aorta procedures

  • Procedures to treat adult congenital heart disease

  • ECMO

In children anesthesia services are provided for:

  • PDA Closure

  • ASD Closure

  • VSD Closure

  • AVSD Repair

  • PA Banding

  • TOF Repair

  • PAPVD Repair

  • TAPVD Repair

  • Taussig Bing Repair

  • Coarctation of Aorta Repair

  • Aortic Arch Repair

  • Unifocalization

  • Yasui Procedure

  • BT Shunt

  • Glenn Procedure

  • Fontan Procedure

  • Norwood Procedure

  • Rastelli Procedure

  • Arterial Switch Operation

  • Atrial Switch Operation

  • Truncus Arteriosus Repair

In addition, we provide support in the adult and pediatric cardiac catheterization suite for diagnosis, percutaneous closures of atrial and ventricular septal defects, balloon valvuloplasties, atrial septostomies, and PDA occlusions, PDA stentings, transcatheter aortic valve replacements, stenting or aortic coarctations.

Our team also cares for patients presenting for surgical care or complicated procedures requiring anesthesia in the Electrophysiology Laboratory, Interventional Cardiovascular Therapy, and the Echocardiography Suite.

Cardiac Anethesia Clinical Programs

  • Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship Program
Dr. Mohammed Sallam

Cardiac Anethesia Leadership

Dr. Mohammed Sallam  

Dr. Mohammed Sallam

Section Head & Consultant

Contact Cardiac Anesthesia

Phone number: +966-11-801-1111 Ext: 16880 , 13680