Clinical Decision Unit (CDU)

The Clinical Decision Unit is a nine-bed unit for patients requiring brief management and observation lasting no longer than 12 hours. The CDU objective is to deliver safe and efficient care to lower acuity patients and achieve resolution and discharge within 12 hours of admission to the CDU. CDU is ATLS/ATCN, and ACLS certified.

Patients under specific protocol driven care management are accepted into the CDU are the following:

  • Abdominal pain.

  • Chest pain/ACS.

  • Allergic Reaction.

  • Blood transfusion.

  • Drug Overdose.

  • Medical Imaging.

  • Snake bite/Scorpion Sting.

  • sickle cell disease.

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis.

  • Dehydration.

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

  • Seizure Disorder.

  • Hypoglycemia.

  • Hyperglycemia.

  • Mild Head Injury.

The occupancy rate of CDU is 140%. CDU staffing is shared between RU and is composed of Nurse Supervisor, Asst. Nurse Manager, Clinical Resource Nurses, Nurse Coordinators, Staff Nurses, Patient Care Technicians. The nurse ratio is maintained at 1:2 to 1:3 with the ability to respond to emergency overcapacity activation in RU as responders.

CDU patient-focused initiatives are Independent Double Check (IDC) Audit, HAPI, Falls, Pain Management, Infection Prevention and Control Practices, and Hand Hygiene compliance.

CDU has one negative pressure to manage ARI-positive and Airborne positive patients.