Open Data

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs (MNGHA) enables citizens and government and private institutions to access data without technical or financial restrictions to learn how to work and use it in research and to provide suggestions and opinions, which enhances transparency, improves the efficiency of services, and stimulates creativity and innovation.

Open Data Library

Data is shared across Saudi Open Data Portal.​​​

The Portal provides a platform that enables visitors to benefit from and use published data as needed. The Portal provides an open literary featuring files of various data, with a view to creating a database hub and developing a public strategy to enable transparency, promote e-participation and inspire innovation. The Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs(MNGHA) has endeavored to publish, update, and provide this data to all beneficiaries in the Open Data Portal.

To visit the Saudi open data portal.

To view the Open Data License on Saudi open Data Portal.​​

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