What is open data

Open data is available data to all users of the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs portal. Open data is aimed at promoting transparency and community participation

Accept open data policy

  • Your access to and use of the Open Data Library is your acknowledgment of your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Policy.

  • The terms and conditions of this policy are subject to change without notice to the user

  • The open data policy is subject to the requirements of all laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom.

Users and their responsibility

The Ministry of National Guard's health affairs allow gate users to access open data and have the right to freely use such data at their own responsibility.

Responsibility of health affairs at the Ministry of National Guard

The Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs is not liable for any damage or misuse suffered by the authorities as a result of the use of such data published by its electronic portal. Nor does it ensure the continued availability of such data or part thereof.

Terms of reuse

  • Do not use this data for political purposes or to support illegal or criminal activity, racist or discriminatory comments, fueling or negative influence on culture, equality, incitement, or any irregular activity that is contrary to the customs and traditions of the Kingdom.

  • Do not misrepresent data or source.

  • When using this data, it should be noted that its main source is the health affairs of the Ministry of National Guard, with the link of the portal.​​