Published: 5/26/2022

HIMSS INFRAstructure Adoption Model ‎‎(INFRAM)‎‎ - Stage 7


The Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs - King Abdulaziz Medical City has achieved the HIMSS Infrastructure Adoption Model (INFRAM) - Stage 7 on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 AD 10 Shawwal 1443 AH, being the second organization in the world to achieve this high-level of IT infrastructure maturity in healthcare.

This accreditation signifies the commitment of the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs to apply the best practices with regard to IT Infrastructure in terms of data networks, wireless networks, communications, collaborations, cyber security and data center.

On this occasion, His Excellency Dr. Bandar Al Knawy, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, has highlighted that “through the digital transformation journey, MNGHA continues to employ the latest technologies to achieve the highest level of patient safety and quality care to provide optimal healthcare services to all MNGHA patients". Additionally, His Excellency extended his appreciation to His Royal Highness Prince Abdullah bin Bandar, the Minister of National Guard, for his continuous support to achieve the organization's strategic goals of MNGHA, towards reaching this high-level of digital earning the accreditation.

The IT Infrastructure Adoption Model INFRAM is an international eight stage (0-7) model for IT technology infrastructure adoption and maturity, to assist healthcare organizations in the process of evaluating and advancing the digital transformation forward.

Stage 7 of INFRAM is the highest level in this maturity model, offered by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), which is concerned with raising the level of digital maturity at healthcare organizations around the world.
