Published: 8/7/2010

A year after launching the National Guard Health Affairs dual language Portal (, the portal earned the recognition of the Health on the Net Foundation (HON) that adopt global e-health sites according to a classification mechanism that is based on specific measures enacted to assess the provided information in terms of value, quality, credibility and efficiency.

In addition, the NGHA portal has won an ACN Arab Technology Award for the Healthcare Implementation of the Year 2009, which is one of the prestigious awards in the IT sector in the Middle East.

Furthermore, as the National Guard Health Affairs website had received the Web Mèdica Acreditada (WMA) award under the supervision of Dr. Miquel Àngel Mayer, Director of Web Mèdica Acreditada, due to the portal’s continued technological development and incorporating new tools that complement and widen the possibilities of health education for the general public.

The Web Mèdica Acreditada (WMA) is a project of the Medical Association of Barcelona. It is a non-profit, independent project which seeks to build trust on line and improve the quality of health information on the Internet through its web consulting service.

It should be noted that the National Guard Health Affairs online portal utilizes a user-friendly interface to ensure flexibility when navigating the site.