Although Intensive Care Unit became operational when PMBAH opened its doors to national guard patients in 2012, but the department of ICU was formally established in November of 2019. At present, it has three full time ICU Consultants, two Assistant Consultants and seven staff physician. Department of ICU strives to provide excellent clinical care, medical education and research.


To improve the quality of care to our patients bringing it at par with that delivered by any elite institution while participating in medical education and research

Clinical services provided

The department of ICU serves as a backbone for the hospital its services include patients needing critical care admitted to Adult & Isolation ICU (COVID-ICU).Our consultation service, provides consultation for patients presenting to Emergency Room, Operating Room, Haemodialysis and patients admitted to chronic ventilator unit. In addition, ICU Department has code blue and RRT (Rapid response) teams that respond to emergencies within the hospital. ICU team also assists with medical transport and inter-facility transfer of critically ill patients using Medivac.

Education and Training

Participates in training of medical residents from Medical, Surgical & OB/GYN residency programs who are rotating in the ICU as per their rotation schedules.


  • Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury Incident Rate in ICU

  • Central Line Bundle Care Components Compliance

  • Readmission to ICU within 48 Hours

Clinical care Outcome

Exceptionally low readmission rate to our ICU typically less than 1% annually. In addition we have low mortality rates both for Adult and COVID ICU comparable to local/regional and International Intensive Care units.

Awards & Achievement

The Department of ICU was recognized for its participation in NASAM project in 2019 by QPS PMBAH.

Research and Publications

ICU department participates in several research projects within the organization like NASAM, COVI-PRONE and REPLENISH projects. The list of publications from ICU within last 5 years:


Dr. Ahmad S. Qureshi

ICU Chairman

Contact us

Admin Assistant Ext.: 68913