​Accident and Emergency  


Emergency Room - Scope of Service

  • The Emergency Department is open 365 days a year, 24-hours a day, all patients, pediatric through geriatric, presenting to the Emergency Department are assessed and triaged by a Registered Nurse upon arrival
  • The triage nurse utilizes treatment guidelines to prioritize and provide the appropriate level of patient care in the Emergency Department.
  • The current Emergency Department facilities include ten designated Emergency Room beds. There are two designated: Trauma Beds, Resuscitation Room, Procedure Room, and Isolation Room. 

Emergency Care Services provided include:

  • Stabilization of life threatening conditions.
  • Life saving procedures.
  • Immediate treatment of medical and surgical emergencies
  • Emergency treatment for minor injury or illness
  • Emergency Care for minor major trauma victims.
  • Obstetrical Emergencies
  • Multidisciplinary teams comprised of physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, technicians, social workers, Patient Relation Officer and other health care personnel provide emergency care. Specialty consultation is available for all major specialties 24 hours per day. Emergency medical care is provided 24 hours per day, 365 days a year.