Staff Housing Services


Staff Housing Services Department is committed to excellence in service to meet the community's needs and ensure that the quality of life. It supports the residents' safety, and welfare is maintained; utilize the housing wisely and maximize space inventory; determine and sustain housing requirement for long-range need.

Scope of Services:

Meet & Greet Office Section

Office services open 24/7, assisting new arrival employees and their eligible dependents, guests, departure & cargo assistance.

Ext. 68739

Inventory Office Section

    • Initial Inventory: After one week of residency, residents are requested to contact Inventory Section at Ext. 68643 or 68806 to schedule a suitable date and time for initial inventory. The checklist for all unit property will be under their custody.
    • Final Inventory: Check-out inventory is for cases of departing residents, end of the contract, relocation, or approval for having housing allowance. Clearance will be issued once there is no discrepancy report during the final inventory.

Key Control Office

Two Key Control offices open from 08:00 a.m. until 12:00 a.m. Also, it operates the On-Call 24/7.

    • First Key Control Office located in 
      Bldg. (306 unit 03) provides services for housing buildings & units ​Ext.68732/ 68444
    • The second Office located in the hospital basement provides services for hospital keys & access cards.  Ext.68788/ 68484

    • Monthly ON CALL Rota schedule dispatches to all PMBAH users.

Resident Relations Office:

Ext. 68755/68731/68735

  • All Inquiries
  • Request (overnight visitations and house tending)
  • Transfer request (relocation requests)
  • Personal issues.
  • Follow up on other matters. (maintenance and Complaints).

Guidelines for the Residents:

  • Once the housing unit is occupied, residents are responsible for the general cleaning and maintenance of that unit.
  • The Maintenance Hotline is at Ext.112.
  • Modification or alteration to the existing structure of the units is not allowed.
  • Keep your home clean and discard trash daily.
  • Respect the rights and be considerate to others in your accommodation.
  • Be safety conscious. Do not smoke in bed.
  • Do not leave your cooking unattended.
  • Unplug any electrical appliances, not in use.
  • Comply with local customs.
  • Secure your personal property


  • Shaker Al Harbi (Manager, Staff Housing Services/ Ext. 69331)

  • Amani Al Ahmadi ( Supervisor, Staff Housing Services  /Ext. 68731)

  • Al Hussain Al Shengete (Supervisor Meet & Greet / Ext. 68739)​

Office Address:

Located @ Bldg. 306 ground floor, office no.03

For further information, don’t hesitate to contact us

Phone: +966-14-8669999  Ext. 68459-68731
