Cardiac Clinics

Cardiac Clinics are committed to providing the highest quality care for patients and their relatives in a professional, safe, efficient, and teamwork environment.

Cardiac Clinics Capacity

Cardiac clinics include both adult and pediatric clinics that operate from 0800 – 1700 hours, with the business center clinic operating after hours.

Cardiac Clinics Scope of Services

Pediatric Clinics

The pediatric clinics include: general pediatrics, pediatric heart failure, arrhythmia, pulmonary hypertension, anticoagulation, pediatric dietician, and pediatric transplant clinic.

Adult Cardiology Clinics

Adult Cardiology Clinics include: general cardiology, arrhythmia, device interrogation, prosthetic valve , adult congenital , urgent consultation, cardiac dietician, dental medically compromised, cardiac surgery , advance heat failure, mechanical assist devices, heart transplantation, and the cardiovascular disease management program.

Cardiovascular Disease Management Program

The Cardiovascular Disease Management Program (CVDMP), established in 2000, is an innovative and valuable approach in providing evidence-based treatment of chronic cardiovascular conditions. It is a multidisciplinary, nurse- led, physician supervised and patient centered approach that aims to promote patient self-care efforts, rather than the traditional model of healthcare delivery. There are currently 5 subspecialties under the umbrella of CVDMP:

  1. Heart Failure

  2. Atherosclerosis

  3. Cardiac Diabetic

  4. Prosthetic Valve Anticoagulant Clinic

  5. Lifestyle Modification

The clinics provides to their families with specialized, comprehensive, and innovative care utilizing the multidisciplinary team approach. Patients with high quality evidence-based care integrating all new treatment and diagnostic modalities. Promoting the education of our patients and their families regarding their condition,

as well as self-care behaviors of our patients.

Cardiac Clinics Leadership

Dr. Abdelmagid Mukhtar  

Dr. Abdelmagid Mukhtar

Director & Consultant

Contact Cardiac Clinics


Clinic 501- 801-1111 extensions 16297,16299

Clinic 502- 801-1111 extensions 16197, 16198