Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory

Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory services in King Abdulaziz Medical City started in 1991. The department has constantly been evolving and providing high-quality cardiovascular care for our patients. Our section has five fully functional labs.

One of the labs is designated for pediatric procedures, and a new state-of-the-art cardiac electrophysiological lab is located in the 2F Cardiac Advance Imaging Building. Our facility also includes recovery and the latest cardiac day care unit with a total of 15 beds which cater to both outpatients and inpatients.

Our section comprises a multidisciplinary team of well-trained, competent, dedicated physicians, nurses, and technicians.

Our catheterization labs have rendered diagnostic and interventional procedures for adults and pediatrics. These include new or innovative cardiac Cath procedures and devices. Our services also include emergency procedures both for pediatrics and adults


Cardiac Cath Lab Capacity

  • 3 Cath Labs for Adult
  • 1 Cath Lab for Pediatric
  • 1 Hybrid Lab for Structural Heart Disease procedure and other complicated procedure that may need surgical back-up
  • CDCU: 7 beds
  • Holding Area: 5 beds

Cardiac Cath Lab Scope of Services

The Cardiac Cath Lab consists of 4 procedure rooms and provides the following ‎services:‎

  • ‎24/7 Primary PCI service with door to balloon time monitoring. Established ‎in 2008‎

  • Diagnostic angiogram, simple and complex PCI including Left main stenting, ‎bifurcation stenting the use of debulking devices like rotablation and Balloon ‎shockwave lithotripsy.‎

  • Intravascular imaging including IVUS and OCT.‎

  • Structural heart disease: including TAVI using both Core and Sapien valves, ‎Mitral valve clip using both Abbott and PASCAL systems, Transcutaneous ‎Pulmonary and Tricuspid valves implantation using Edwards valve system.‎

  • Pediatric and congenital heart disease (ASD, VSD, PDA, PA Stenting, pulmonary valve implantation and etc.)

  • COA ballooning and stenting and PDA stenting.

  • Mitral Balloon Valvuloplasty. ‎

  • Alcohol septal ablation for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients and ‎Temporary pacemaker's ‎

    Focus for this division includes: decreasing our door to balloon time (DBT) to below ‎‎70 minutes and commencing the use of the new hybrid OR for complex procedure to ‎improve safety and increase the spectrum of high risk procedures that could be ‎combined with Cardiac Surgery team.

Cardiac Cath Lab Leadership

Dr. Kamal Ayoub  

Dr. Kamal Ayoub

Director & Consultant

Contact Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory


Day Ward Reception – extensions 10437, 10438, 10439, 10627

Cath Lab Reception - extensions 16627, 16850