Electrophysiology Services

Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory services in King Abdulaziz Medical City started in 1991. The department has constantly been evolving and providing high-quality cardiovascular care for our patients.

Our section has five fully functional labs. One of the labs is designated for pediatric procedures, and a new state-of-the-art cardiac electrophysiological lab is located in the 2F Cardiac Advance Imaging Building. Our facility also includes recovery and the new cardiac day care unit with a total of 15 beds which cater to both outpatients and inpatients. Our section comprises a multidisciplinary team of well-trained, competent, dedicated physicians, nurses, and technicians.

Our catheterization labs have rendered diagnostic and interventional procedures for adults and pediatrics. These include new or innovative cardiac Cath procedures and devices. Our services also include emergency procedures both for pediatrics and adults


Electrophysiology Services Capacity

  • 1 EP Lab located in 2nd F Advanced Cardiac Imaging Bldg.

  • Holding Area: 1 bed (2nd F)

  • CDCU extension: 3 beds

Scope of Electrophysiology Services

The EP service includes device implantation, EP studies, arrhythmia ablations, ‎tilt table tests for syncope, and elective cardioversions. KACC is considered a leading center for laser extraction leads. This procedure carries a high ‎incidence of morbidity and mortality, and the new hybrid Cath Lab will be a significant ‎step in this procedure. ‎

In addition, the EP services provide ambulatory care in the arrhythmia and device ‎clinics, where routine device interrogation and programming are performed. The ‎service admits for procedures or work-up.‎

The focus of this division includes; decreasing the waiting list in the arrhythmia clinic, ‎increasing the spectrum of ablation for more complex arrhythmia volumes like VT ‎and atrial fibrillation, and starting an inherited genetic arrhythmia service for ‎patients and their relatives.

Electrophysiology Services Leadership

Dr. Haitham Alanazi  

Dr. Haitham Alanazi

Section Head & Consultant

Contact Electrophysiology Services

Email: cathlab1@ngha.med.sa

Day Ward Reception – extensions 10437, 10438, 10439, 10627

Cath Lab Reception - extensions 16627, 16850