Medically Compromised Patients (MCP) Unit

Medically Compromised Patients (MCP) Unit: is responsible for the oral health care of medically complex patients with physical, medical developmental or cognitive conditions in both the Operating Room and Dental Clinics and for the diagnosis and management of medically related diseases, disorders and conditions affecting the oral and maxillofacial region.

Patient population are medically compromised patients:

  • Comprehensive dental procedures including restorations, simple endodontics, and simple prosthetic.

  • Comprehensive dental treatment in the Operating Room.

  • Oral mucosal diseases.

  • Oral lesions.

  • Oral manifestations of systemic diseases.

  • Salivary diseases.

  • Oral Chemosensory disorders.

  • General medicine pertinent to oral diseases.

  • Orofacial pain disorders.