Ophthalmology Department

The Ophthalmology Department in King Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC) and King Abdullah Specialized Children's Hospital (KASCH), Riyadh is one of the major surgical sectors of the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs (MNGHA). It provides medical and surgical tertiary care to ophthalmic patients.

It offers primary and secondary care to primary care centers in Riyadh. It participates in community service programs in the health field to support early diagnosis and prevent blindness.

It was first established in May 1983 as a division of the department of surgery with a mission to strive for excellence in the surgical and clinical management of all patients by providing optimal eye health care and increasing patient satisfaction, along with a mission to train pre-graduate students and post-graduate residents and fellows to meet their future needs.

Currently, around 35,000 patients receive ophthalmic care annually in KAMC and KASCH at 120 patients per working day, providing 150 clinical sessions per week with three operating rooms running daily. In November 2021, the division expanded into a department with four subdivisions of its own and one unit, which are:

  1. Division of cornea/ anterior segment and general ophthalmology

  2. Division of retina and uveitis

  3. Division of glaucoma, oculoplasty and neuro-ophthalmology

  4. Division of optometry

  5. Eye bank unit

As a result of its exponential expansion, the department established retinopathy of prematurity screening program, one of the most well-established programs in Saudi Arabia with a zero-blindness rate in the last ten years, and a telemedicine program for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening through primary care centers.

In addition, the MNGHA Eye Bank unit supports MNGHA facilities and the local need for eye tissues for corneal transplants and amniotic membrane procedures. In addition, our photo-refractive team performs therapeutic photo-refractive functions to treat post keratoplasty and post cataract refractive errors and cosmetic refractive procedures.

Mission of Ophthalmology Department

The department of ophthalmology aims to provide optimal eye health care to patients and excellent academic opportunities through innovations in basic sciences, comprehensive education, clinical research, and participation in community service programs.

Vision of Ophthalmology Department

The ophthalmology department aims to become a leader in treating the world's blinding diseases and be recognized as the center of excellence in eye care and continuous education.

Ophthalmology Department Values and Principles

  • Providing accessible, comprehensive, efficient, and high-quality of care.

  • Ensuring an outstanding patient experience.

  • Providing patient centered eye care through outstanding and integrated health service and clinical research.

  • Provision of ophthalmology training and continuous medical education opportunities.

  • Initiating new projects and programs that aim to eliminate preventable blindness.

Residency and Fellowship Training

As a training center, the ophthalmology department aims to deliver admirable academic opportunities to innovate in basic sciences, conduct clinical research, and provide a comprehensive education.

The ophthalmology department was partially recognized as a training center for the Saudi Board of Ophthalmology (SBO) in 1997. In 2010, the department acquired full recognition as a training center for the SBO as part of a multi-center joint program. As of October 2020, the program became fully independent, accepting 4 to 6 residents annually at high standards. And as of January 2021, fellowship programs in cornea/ anterior segment and refractive surgery, surgical retina, pediatrics, and glaucoma were established annually, accepting one fellow under each sub-specialty.

The department also takes ophthalmology residents from other training centers, rotating residents from different specialties, medical and optometry interns, and students.

We aim to provide the country with competent ophthalmologists able to achieve excellence in eye care, research, and education as future leaders in the prevention and treatment of blinding diseases.


  1. Residents should be able to provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for treating their health problems.
  2. To provide Residents with the fundamental scientific background in ophthalmology to prepare them to become life-long learners.
  3. Residents should demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills that will allow them to communicate effectively with patients and families and enhance their relationship with their nursing and medical colleagues and the senior staff.
  4. Residents should demonstrate professionalism in their behavior and appearance and adhere strictly to ethical and moral principles.

Ophthalmology Department Educational activities

Academic activities:

  • An academic activity every Tuesday morning where residents/fellows present a certain topic with discussion and direct feedback from attendings

  • A half academic day every Tuesday afternoon at King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital (grand rounds and sub-specialties lectures)

  • Semi-weekly quiz to evaluate the performance and progress of residents

  • A hot seat academic activity at the end of the second month of each specialty rotation where residents are placed in an oral exam setting to prepare them for the board

  • Pathology lab visits

  • Optometry clinical sessions

  • External one-month ophthalmic emergency rotation at King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital and King Abdulaziz University Hospital each year


Our residents get the highest exposure to surgical cases as primary surgeons when compared to training centers locally. This is mainly attributed to the dedication of our team members, number of cases, operation rooms available, and the balanced number of attending/resident ratio.


Eeach Resident selects one of our team members as a mentor providing them with guidance and feedback throughout their training


Our residents and fellows are always encouraged to initiate and participate in research and our team provides them with guidance under the supervision and support of King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) and under the umbrella of King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS).

Application to Ophthalmology Department

To apply for an elective rotation, please send your updated curriculum vita, letters of recommendation and grade transcript with your preferred month to:

Abdulaziz Alotaibi

Ophthalmology Chief Resident

Department of Ophthalmology

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

E-mail: alotaibiab40@ngha.med.sa

Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Project

Ophthalmology Department Leadership

Dr. Tariq Al Debasi  

Dr. Tariq Al Debasi

Anterior Segment Consultant​

Contact Ophthalmology Department

For any further inquiries about our residency and fellowship training programs please feel free to contact:

Malek Alrobaian

Program Director

Ophthalmology Residency Training Program

Consultant, Anterior Segment

Department of Ophthalmology

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

E-mail: alrobaianma@ngha.med.sa

Mohammed Alrajeh

Deputy Program Director

Ophthalmology Residency Training Program

Consultant, Oculoplasty

Department of Ophthalmology

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

E-mail: alrajehmo@ngha.med.sa

Tariq Almudhaiyan

Director of Anterior Segment Fellowship

Consultant, Anterior Segment

Department of Ophthalmology

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

E-mail: almudhaiyanta@ngha.med.sa

Mohammed Hazzazi

Director of Surgical Retina Fellowship

Consultant, Retina

Department of Ophthalmology

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

E-mail: hazzazimo@ngha.med.sa

Bader Alhazzaa

Director of Glaucoma Fellowship

Consultant, Glaucoma

Department of Ophthalmology

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

E-mail: alhazzaaba@ngha.med.sa

Saif Alobaisi

Director of Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship

Consultant, Pediatric Ophthalmology

Department of Ophthalmology

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

E-mail: alobaisisa@ngha.med.sa