ACC clinic 401 and 402 (Internal Medicine / Pulmonology / Infectious Diseases)

This clinic deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the internal organs with the specialty of Pulmonology, which deals with diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. The clinic also provides specialties in Geriatric Medicine, Immunology, and infectious diseases. Thrombosis Clinics with sub-specialties on Rapid Assessment Program of heart failures. The clinic has 12 rooms catering to 600 patients per week.​

Scope of Service

Unit Name: ACC clinic 401 / 402.

Unit Description: Pulmonology / Infectious Disease / Internal Medicine / Rheumatology.

Patient Population: Adult (Mixed Gender).

Hours of Operation:

08:00 – 17:00 Hours (Sundays to Thursdays) 5 days per week; Extend clinic 2 days /week (08:00-20:00) Tuesday & Wednesday).

No of Beds:

23 Physician Rooms, 2 Nurse Clinic Rooms, 5 Screening Rooms, 2 Educator Rooms.

Occupancy Rate:

700 - 800 patients per week.

Staff Categories:

Registered Nurse, Patient Educator, Patient Care Technician, Unit Assistant, Runner.

Primary Diagnosis:

Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, OLD CVA’s DVT, Pulmonary Disease (i.e. Asthma), Dementia and Alzheimer Chronic Bronchitis, Infection Diseases including HIV and PTB, Immunology and Allergy Cases, Long Term Care, Sleep Clinic.

Primary Procedures:

Drug administration, Foley insertion, NGT insertion, Dressing changes, Injections, PPD, Vaccinations, Assisting with prick test, Glucometer check, Thoracentesis.

Model of Nursing Care:

Total Patient Care Utilizing a Partnership Model.

Clinic 401

Unit name

Clinic 401 Internal Medicine / Long Term Care / Sleep disorder

Patient population

Adult, mixed gender

Hours of operation

0800 – 1700 hours Sat. to Wed.

5 days per week

Number of beds

6 Physician Rooms

1 Nurse Clinic Rooms

2 Screening Rooms

1 Educator Room

Number of visits

600 / week

Staff categories

Registered Nurse

Patient Educator

Unit Assistant

Patient Care Technician

Patient Escort


Primary patient diagnoses

Hypertension; Diabetes mellitus; OLD CVA’s; Pulmonary disease i.e. Asthma Chronic Bronchitis; Infections Disease- HIV, PTB, Brucella; Immunology and Allergy Cases; Long term care, IBS + Palliative care (follow-up) pre-emplyment clinic.


  • Drug administration

  • Foley insertion

  • NGT Insertion

  • Dressing changes

  • Injections

  • PPD

  • Vaccinations

  • Assisting with prick test

  • Glucometer check

  • Thoracentesis

Nursing care Delivery system

Total Patient Care in a Partnership Model