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Cardiovascular Disease Management Clinic

Cardiovascular Disease Management Clinic​ 

The CVDMP is a multidisciplinary; nurse-led, physician-supervised and target-oriented program.

Comprises of five subspecialties:

  • Heart failure

  • Secondary prevention atherosclerosis

  • Prosthetic valve anticoagulation

  • Diabetes management within the cardiac center

  • Cardiac rehabilitation

Patient Population: Adult mixed gender

Hours of Operation: 07:00 – 16:00 (Sun to Thurs). This clinic functions selectively during religious holidays

Occupancy Rate: 380 Patients per month

Staff Categories: Nurse Supervisor, Nurse Specialist, Staff Nurse I, Patient Care Technician.

Primary Diagnosis:

  • Ischaemic Heart Disease

  • Cardiomyopathy / Heart Failure

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Diabetes Mellitus

  • Prosthetic Valve

Primary procedures:

  • Comprehensive Cardiovascular assessment

  • Symptoms Assessment and Management

  • Comprehensive Patient Education

  • Lifestyle Modification

  • Exercise Prescription – Exercise Training

Model of Nursing Care:

Total Patient Care in conjunction with the Partnership Model of Care

Cardiovascular Disease Management Clinic

Unit name

Cardiovascular Disease Management Clinic

Patient population


Hours of operation

0700 – 1600 (Saturday to Wednesday)

Number of beds

4-Subspecialty Clinics:

  • Heart Failure

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation

  • Lifestyle Modification

Occupancy Rate

100 %

Staff categories

Registered Nurse

Unit Assistant

Patient Care Technician

Primary patient diagnoses

  • Ischemic Heart Disease

  • Cardiomyopathy /Heart Failure

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Diabetes


  • Comprehensive Cardiovascular Assessment

  • Symptom Assessment and Management

  • Comprehensive Patient Education

  • Lifestyle Modification

Nursing care Delivery system

Total Patient Care in a Partnership Model

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Last Modified

9/5/2022 1:53 PM

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