Progressive Recovery Unit

This 15 bedded HDU unit is specifically designed to be a transit area for patients waiting for beds in both the medical and surgical units of KAMC, as well as supplying high-level HDU care to the patient who has had prolonged ICU admission but no longer requires the intense monitoring and treatments offered in the general ICU’s.

It also can manage High Dependency patients who require monitoring, low dose, less advanced inotropic support, Bipap, HFNC, and Chronic ventilation management. The unit is staffed with a ratio of 2 patients to 1 nurse. An ICU consultant and team similar to that of any of the other general ICU units supply medical coverage. To maintain flow, this unit has close links to the bed management and case management teams.

Patient Population: Adults above 14 years of age

Mixed Gender

Hours of Operation: 24 hours / 7 days a week

No of Beds: 15 Beds

Occupancy Rate: 100%

Staff Categories

• Registered Nurse

• Patient Care Technician

Primary Diagnosis

  • Non-invasive mask ventilation in (CPAP/BIPAP) (maximum of 4 patients).

  • Tracheostomized with established chronic ventilation (maximum of 4 patients).

  • Less than 50% oxygen supplement.

  • Respiratory secretions management every 2 hours or less.

  • High flow nasal cannula (~ 40 liters/mm, FiO2 ~ 50%), but stable for 6 hours with significant clinical improvement.

  • Hemodynamically stable dysrhythmias, mild-to-moderate congestive heart failure, without inotrope requirement.

  • Hypertensive urgency on intravenous anti-hypertensive medication.

  • Central nervous system depression, irrespective of cause but able to protect airway.

  • Dexmedetomidine infusion.

  • Non-life-threatening Gl disorders.

  • Resolving metabolic disorders.

  • Regular dialysis (maximum of 5 patients).

  • Appropriately treated and resolving sepsis.

  • Frequent nursing observations or extensive time requirement for clinical care.

  • Patients that are not excluded by DPP 7815-4.

Primary Procedures

  • Airway management including non-invasive ventilation support.

  • Enteral and Parenteral Feeding.

  • Drug Administration.

  • Invasive and non-invasive monitoring.

  • Tracheostomy Care.

  • Psychological and Social support.

  • Patient mobilization and rehabilitation.

Model of Nursing Care

Total Patient Care Utilizing a Partnership Model.