Flu Unit

ECC Flu Unit is a stand-alone unit consisting of 18 negative pressure isolation rooms. The primary presentation includes all CTAS level 3-5 patients with respiratory symptoms - ARI scores more than 4.

Patients are registered within the Unit. The nurse gives patients a CTAS in Triage Assessment Room before being reviewed by the physician. Patients are either transferred to Main ER or allocated beds within Flu Unit. There are dedicated X-Ray and ECG Technicians to carry out procedures within the patients' isolation room if required. All laboratory tests are collected and transported to the appropriate Lab.

KPIs include time seen by a physician – as per CTAS level, length of stay for both EP and IP, “Turn Around Time” for NPS, and administration of IV antibiotics (<1hr) for Febrile Neutropenic patients.

54 FTEs manage ECC Flu Unit, including the Nurse Manager, Clinical Resource Nurse, Nurse Coordinators, Staff Nurses, and Patient Care Technicians. Nurse to patient ratio is maintained at 1:3 with the ability to provide 1:1 nursing care for Critical Patients before transfer to ICU.