​Rapid Assessment and Management (RAM)

RAM is a Rapid Assessment area to identify, prioritize and direct patients to the correct clinical area. RAM is subdivided into four areas - Secondary ARI screening area, Fast Track, RAM A (beds 8-17 including 8 chairs) and RAM B (beds 1-7 including 8 chairs)
  • Secondary ARI screening area is the 2nd screening ARI identification point to ensure no ARI positive patient enters the main ECC. Any patient identified as possible ARI is directed to appropriate clinical area.
  • Triage area (Front desk); All CTAS level 1-5 patients; Across The Room Assessment (ATRA) is performed. To rapidly identify patients with urgent, life threatening conditions.
  • RAM A receives CTAS level 3 patients who are seen and examined by a nurse and physician to determine the appropriate clinical placement and management. This includes obstetric patients.
  • RAM B received CTAS level 4 patients and overflow for CTAS level 3 during bed crises. The same target time for assessment applies but this area also cares for patients who may require brief interventional treatment.
  • Triage Away Room Nurse Led, The main goal is to decrease unnecessary ED visits and crowdedness, Proper utilization for both ED and primary care center & Decrease waiting time.
  • Ambulance Checkpoints; all CTAS levels 1-5 patients coming by ambulance.