Neonatal Care Services

Mission of Neonatal Care Services

In keeping with the Mission of the Organization, the Department of Neonatal Services in KAMC-MNGHA is committed to:

  • Improve health and well-being of infant.

  • Provide safe and evidence based high quality care.

  • Support efforts of community awareness about the health issues of neonates.

Vision of Neonatal Care Services

To provide the nation’s best healthcare and become the nation’s best neonatal unit.

Neonatal Patient Flows

NICU: The flow of Neonates is 95% from the L&D suite; elective and emergency C-sections, SVD with foetal compromise, instrumental deliveries with foetal compromise and planned for deliveries with fetal gestational age below term, or newborns for close observation.

NICU also responds to high-risk deliveries with disposition to NICU, ICN or SCBU depending on the condition of the newborn after birth.

Occasionally babies in the ICN or SCBU are transferred to a higher level of care depending on the condition of a baby or if there is planned elective surgery requiring post-operative high level of care.

SCBU staff provides care for babies under hypoglycemic and PPROM protocol in post-partum units Wards 3 &4 and ward 5, and where required wards 16 and the Royal Suite (Ward 17).

KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

Key performance indicators are collated daily, weekly and monthly and are examined against benchmarked organizationally and internationally standards, e.g. CLABSI, VAP, Timeout, Hypothermia prevention in ICU/ ICN settings. Other key indicators are rooming-in rates, breastfeeding rates at birth and at discharge from the hospital.

Challenges are analyzed and possible solutions considered. Appropriate evaluation allows the team to reflect on performance and constantly review processes in an attempt to improve service delivery for our patients.

Adjusting Staff on Daily Basis to Accommodate Changing Unit Activities Including Assignment and Re-Assignment of Staff

Staffing is planned for 1 month prior to the next roster to meet the planned acuity and occupancy of the unit. Where necessary OT is planned to support units where the number of shifts provided does not meet the required shifts needed to safely and effectively cover a unit.

Daily staff assignments are also reviewed per shift prior to the upcoming shifts. Areas of lower volume/acuity are reviewed and staff reassigned to meet service demand. During exceptional demand, overtime is offered to nursing and medical staff to ensure safe coverage.

Description of Monitoring Procedure for Staffing Plan for Effectiveness and Revised As Needed

Monthly review of staffing changes, such as vacancies or new hires is done through MSR team. Any changes in practice that alters nurse to patient ratio are also re-calculated and which are reflected in the areas unique staffing plan.

Emergency Preparedness for Unexpected Fluctuation and Demand

As previously noted, fluctuations in demand is examined per shift. Staffing is reviewed and staff relocated as appropriate to meet demand taking into consideration the experience and competencies.

Nursing Outreach Schedule for Nurse Managers (After Hours Service)

In order to extend patient care support and monitoring after hours, the Obstetrics/ Neonatal Care Department assigns a Nurse Manager On-Call (after hour’s coverage) from 1600H-1930H on a weekly basis. The NM on call role is to provide support to their teams after hours, manage clinical, administrative and staff issues. It is their responsibility to give the necessary handover reports to the nursing shift supervisor at 1900hrs, or where necessary, escalate to the DCN on call for issues that require further support, or attention for resolution.

The Nurse Manager On-Call is also in-charge of sending the Daily Staffing Report before 1400H on a daily basis for the obstetric/neonatal/ protocol directorate.