​Obstetrical Care Services​ 


In keeping with the Mission of the Organization, the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology in KAMC-MNGHA, is committed to:
  • deliver evidence-based practice
  • assist women from all stages of lives to achieve optimal health outcomes.
  • support women experience health improvement is a positive environment from a diverse healthcare providers who are compassionate, respectful and competent.


To promote wellness and provide high quality patient centered care that displays excellence, innovation, best practice and research & development for women of all ages.

Obstetrics Outreach

Services provided to all obstetrics patients admitted out of the OBGYN directorate by either a midwife or an obstetric nurse from the labor and delivery unit. The service can be requested by any unit on admission. Subsequent visits or continuity of care by the obstetric nursing team will be prescribed by the physicians.

KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

Key performance indicators and data are collated daily and examined against benchmarked standards eg: prevention of birth injury, exclusive breastfeeding, prevention of delivery out of labor room and standardization of audit tools.
Challenges are analyzed and possible solutions considered and implemented where necessary.
Appropriate and timely evaluation allows the team to reflect on performance, identify quality standards, undertake PDSA cycles of improvement and constantly review processes in an attempt to improve service delivery for our patients.

Patient Flow Process

L&D : 90% of Patients are admitted from OTAMU, Induction Room, Assessment Room and Ward 2. Occasionally patients are also admitted from the OBGYN clinic.
Induction Room : Elective admission either from home or Ward 2 or OBGYN clinic for optimal outcome.
Assessment Room : Acts as a first stage of labour unit and receives patients from OTAMU and Ward 2.
As a hospital working towards Baby friendly initiative; we actively encourage rooming in; currently on average 65% of newborns room in with their mothers in the units.

Number and Titles of Staff Available

1 Director of Clinical Nursing
1 Assistant Nurse Supervisor
5 Nurse Managers
3 Clinical Resource Nurses
12 Nurse Coordinators
29 Midwives
75 SN1
105 SN2
12 Patient Care Technicians
7 Unit Assistants
4 Patient Educators

Adjusting Staff on Daily Basis to Accommodate Changing Unit Activities Including Assignment and Re-Assignment of Staff

Obstetric and Midwifery Staffing is planned for 1 month prior to the next roster to meet the planned acuity and occupancy of the unit, as well as staffing the low risk rooms with midwives (3-4 per shift). Where necessary OT is planned to support units where the number of shifts does not meet the required shifts needed to safely and effectively cover the unit.
Areas of lower volume/acuity are reviewed and staff reassigned to meet service demand. During exceptional demand, over time is offered to nursing staff.

Description of Monitoring Procedure for Staffing Plan for Effectiveness and Revised as Needed

Monthly review of staffing changes such as vacancies is done through MRS lines. Any changes in practice that alters nurse to patient ratio are therefore re-calculated and which are reflected in the areas’ unique staffing plan.

Emergency Preparedness for Unexpected Fluctuation and Demand

As previously noted, fluctuations in demand is examined per shift. Staffing is reviewed and staff relocated as appropriate to meet demand taking into consideration the experience and competencies.

Obstetrical Care Services

  • Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Unit Profiles