​Surgical Discharge Lounge (SDL) Male And Female (A and B)

The Discharge process is complex that requires multidisciplinary coordination from Care providers. This helps to bridge the gap between acute admissions and planned discharges and expedite the process to accommodate a smooth patient flow and enhance bed capacity for new admissions daily. 

The discharge lounge provides a safe clinical alternative environment to the ward setting. At the same time, patients await transition to their home/discharge destination instead of occupying an acute bed.​

Unit Description:
Surgical Discharge Lounge (Male and Female) A & B
Patient Population:
Adult Mixed gender
Hours of Operation:
7 days a week – 0900h to 2100h
4 comfortable chairs (SDL A)
11 comfortable chairs (SDL B)
Surgical Discharge Lounge A – 2nd Floor (Surgical Tower)
Surgical Discharge Lounge B – 3rd Floor (Surgical Tower)
Occupancy Rate: 100%
Staff Categories:
2 Registered Nurses per day

Surgical Discharge Lounge admission criteria:

  • All Adult surgical patients from Surgical In-patient areas who are fit and vitally stable for discharge.
  • All adult surgical patients whose discharge has been ordered in the system before 1700h.
  • Patient with GCS not less than 14 over 15 following the discussion and assessment with the staff nurse in the discharge lounge.
  • Patients who are on 1-2 lpm oxygen therapy via nasal cannula can be accepted in the discharge lounge following discussion of patients’ needs with the primary team and discharge lounge nurses.
  • Patients on wheelchair requiring minimal assistance to transfer.
  • Post- operative patients with no restriction to mobilize.

Surgical Discharge Lounge exclusion criteria:

  • Severely confused (patients with GCS below 14) and or distressed patient will not be eligible for the discharge lounge.
  • Immuno compromised patients, infectious patients and patient that requires barrier nursing will not be accepted.
  • Bedbound patients as the discharge lounge can only accept patients who are able to sit in the chair.
  • Patients requiring continuous oxygen therapy.
  • Patients with tracheostomy.
  • Patients waiting for transfer via EMS.