Overview fo the Training Levels

The Internal Medicine Residency Training Program is divided into two stages:

1) Junior Residency

Duration: 24 months, First year Resident (R1) and Second Year Resident (R2)

The first two years will be spend in medical wards, rotating in medical specialties to ensure a broad exposure to general medical problems. The resident will have full involvement in patient care under the consultants’ supervision. He/She will learn and practice clinical skills, including history-taking, physical examination, diagnosis and management of common medical conditions. The resident will learn to manage critically ill patients, including those presenting in the Emergency Department. He/She will learn to perform the various medical procedures relatig to the care of patients.

Expected Clinical rotation.

  1. Elicit a comprehensive history and perform a complete physical examinations on admission, write clearly the patient’s assessment and differential diagnosis of medical problems, and initiate the plan of management.

  2. Discuss the plan of management, including investigations nd treatment plan with the resident’s senior and communicate the plan to the nurse assigned to the patient care.

  3. Attend all patient complaints, follow-up results of investigations daily, write problem-oriented progress notes daly and update the patint’s problem list.

  4. Perform the basic procedures necessary for diagnosis nd management.

  5. Present patients at the daily round, nd endorse all sick patients to the on-call team.

  6. Ensure that the following discharge orders aer placed in the patient’s chart in a timely manner: discharge medications, follow-up appointment and investigations, etc.

Write a timely nd thorough discharge summary.

Participate actively in the deparment’s and section;s activities, and in the presentation of cases in the Morning Report.

2) Senior Residency

Duration: 24 months, Third Year Resident (R3) and Fourth Year Resident (R4)

This period will be spend in medical wards and clinics to gain supervisory, teaching and leadership skills. The resident will provide consultations to other departments under the consultants’ supervision. During the fourth year, the resident is expected to be able to assume leadership of his team.

Expected Clinical rotation.

  1. Review the junior residents’ admission noted and orders, discuss the proposed plan of management, and supervise its implementation.

  2. Document the patient’s history and clinical examination independently, supervise the progress notes of junior resident daily and write progress notes in the chart at least trice a week.

  3. Help the junior residents to interpret laboratory invetigations and perform bedside diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

  4. Assist the junior residents in acquiring compute skills for searching the literature and following evidence-based approaches to patient care.

  5. Attend the consultation within and outside the department, including emergency consultations, and participate in outpatint clinic once or twice weekly.

  6. Participate in the department’s and section’s activities.

  7. Participate actively in education and training of medical students, interns and junior residents.

  8. Write a timely and thorough report for morbidity and mortality departmental meeting and specialty club meetings.