Scope of services
There are 22 schools at King Faisal (Jeddah) and King Khalid (Taif) NG cities with a total of 6,787 students (3,271 students at Jeddah & 3,516 students at Taif). The services include preschool check up, mass screening (common health problems), immunization campaign, health education, nutrition and school environmental health.
Pre-school medical checking up
The school health team is organizing scheduled pre-school clinic, which is targeting the students who are entering the 1st new school grades (Kindergarten, elementary, intermediate and secondary). This clinic is running at KFRC-Jeddah and KKRC-Taif, and it involves triage measurement (vital sign, visual acuity and height and weight), blood, urine, and stool analysis and medical examination.
School Immunization
Complete obligatory vaccinations for those entering KG & Elementary school (4-6 years): MMR, DPT, Varicella & polio.
Tetanus vaccine for females in 1st grade high schools.
Meningitis Vaccine for 1st, 4th Elementary school, 1st intermediate & 1st grade secondary.
Other vaccinations such as measles
School Intervention Programs
Head lice intervention program
It is an annual program, involves Screening of head lice for all elementary and intermediate students, Health Education sessions and distribution of educational materials are synchronized with screening activities. Medication (anti-lice shampoo) is provided to the infected students; in addition, further educational sessions that include their mothers are conducted.
Visual Equity Intervention Program
It is an annual program, aims to detect the undiagnosed myopia (vision equity= 6/18 and above) among students. It involves visual equity measurement by using the Tumbling E chart of students at 4th grades primary schools, 2nd grade of middle school and 2nd grade of high school. The result shows that the defect of the visual acuity is distributed with low percentage (around 1.5%) among the younger children (7-9 years) However, visual acuity defect is more observed (from 3-5.5%) among the older children (13-18 years). All the detected cased were referred to the ophthalmologist for further investigation and treatment.
Health Education
It includes presenting a variety of topics covering different health aspects.
Personal hygiene
Nutrition; 7 Basic Rules of healthy living presented by Dr. Lamya Awwad
Menstrual period

Smoking & Drugs
Nutrition; Obesity & underweight
Bronchial asthma
Breast cancer
Chronic diseases; prevention
MMR vaccine awareness
Fire & disaster management
Nutrition; taking breakfast
Nutrition; Food & school performance
Dental care
School Environmental Health
The environment assessment visits are conducted on regular basis using checklist, which involve the following:
Screening for any biological, physical, or chemical agents that are detrimental to students’ health:
This screening visits are conducted regularly (every three months) at all schools, by using a specialized check list. Then the outcome reports are submitted to the school administration office in order to coordinate the necessary improvement measures.
The main environment points

General inadequate cleanness
Inadequate seats and sun shield at schools’ yards
Inadequate coolers for drinking water
Outspread of insects such as misquotes & flies, in addition to mice.
Inadequate of maintenance of toilets.
Not enough number of school workers
Inadequate safety supplies such as fire distinguishes.
Inspection of School’s canteens and food handlers
This inspection is conducted on a regular bases via using of specialized check list. Health certificate are issued to all food handlers and continuously checking their expiry date.