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The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud gave directions to ‎build this hospital. It is named after King Abdulaziz, the Arabian Peninsula unifier. Project ‎construction began in 1995 and was completed in May/June 2002.‎
The campus has four parts: the hospital and its annexed buildings, families and nurses housing, ‎singles housing, and public services. The hospital is a 300-beds capacity and provides ‎primary and secondary care to National Guard personnel, their dependents, and the citizens of the Eastern ‎Region. It consists of 3 levels of 35,000 sq. meters, including Basement, Ground Floor ‎, and First Floor.
The Ground Floor includes Outpatient Clinics, Pharmacy, four Operating Rooms, and Day Surgery ‎Operation Room. It also contains beds for Hemodialysis Services, Physical Therapy Department, ‎Radiology Department, Endoscopy, ER, ICU, and Obstetrics & Gynecology Department with L & D ‎rooms, Administration section, and a Mosque.
King Abdulaziz National Guard Hospital is dedicated to delivering services of the highest international standard. This constantly expanding facility, equipped with state-of-art technology, is staffed by professionals from Saudi Arabia and 52 other world nations.