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Research Proposals Rate Continues to Grow in MNG-HA


Research Proposals Rate Continues to Grow in MNG-HA

Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs is witnessing a significant increase in the scientific research numbers over the past four years due to the rising awareness levels of the community towards scientific research in addition to the efforts of King Abdullah International Medical Research Center’s personnel towards educating people about the importance of scientific research in treating diseases. The number of research proposals published in various international journals were "111" in 2011, "165" in 2012, "273" in 2013 where in 2014, the research proposals reached "268”.

It is worth mentioning that the process of submitting research proposals in MNG-HA are done through an electronic system which was launched in June 2012 to reduce time and effort and  preserve the environment by reducing the use of paper, which is a system based on handling, steering and following-up on research proposals and approval, as well as enabling researchers in MNG-HA, KSAU-HS and KAIMRC to automatically save, store and retrieve information at any time anywhere.

KAIMRC stresses the importance of using the electronic system as it’s the only approved system at a corporate level, which allows researchers to submit their research proposals. Furthermore, the center continuously seeks to develop and improve the system to reach the optimal desired results.

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Last Modified

10/19/2020 5:34 PM