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The Department of Pediatrics in King Abdulaziz Hospital, Al Ahsa provides exemplary medical care for new-born, infants and children's of National Guard employees and their dependents and eligible Saudi citizens living in the eastern region. We are committed to excellence in pediatric medicine and to the promotion of child health through innovation and collaboration encompassing the areas of patient care, education and research. Our collaborative team of physicians, nurses, allied professionals, and administrative staff are dedicated to providing leadership and excellence across the spectrum of Pediatric department, including Clinical Care, Education, Research, and Child Health Advocacy.

The Department of Pediatrics strives to be a cohesive academic and professional body committed to the advancement of child health through the delivery of exemplary care, teaching and research.

We recognize that the enhancement of our Department requires active collaboration and integration with our various

Stakeholders. We are equally motivated to actively engage with our provincial and national partners, as well as to connect with the international community to achieve collective goals.

Aligning with our ambitions for continuous improvement, the Department has launched our revised 2020- 2025 Strategic Plan.

Our strategic priorities embed the academic mandate of increasing scholarships and academic education, as well as the broader vision of the Provincial Health Services Authority; to promote and deliver accessible, quality, health services for all NGHA through an integrated health system.

Our refined strategic platform provides a glimpse into our fresh perspective, and goals for the next phase in our


Thank you for your continued support, and partnership in achieving our vision.

Department Capacity

General Ward

There are currently 27 opened beds in the Pediatric Ward (Ward 4), shared between General Pediatrics and Surgical specialties. The ward is covered by Consultants, Associate consultants, pre scholar Academic Residents and Pediatric Nurses. Admissions to the ward are referred from: OPD, ER, Admissions Office, Business Center, PICU, ICN and other hospitals in the region. Total number of admission in 2020 is 1093 patient.

Pediatric Stepdown Unit

In August 2008, the Pediatric Step Down Unit was opened in Ward 4. With 4 beds and covered by Pediatric Consultant, Associate Consultant, General Pediatric Fellows, Academic Residents and Pediatric nurses, this unit is fully equipped with monitors, infusion pumps and oxygen facilities and provides intermediate care to the pediatric population with a severity of illness that does not require intensive care, but does require greater services than those provided by routine inpatient general pediatric care. Total number of admission in 2020 is 190 patients.

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). It is a fully functional unit with 4 opened beds and can accommodate up to 6 beds. Containing of six ventilators/ continuous positive airway pressure/ high flow nasal canula.The unit is covered by a two Consultant Pediatric Intensivist, Associate Consultant, PICU Staff Physicians, Academic Residents and PICU nurses. Admissions to PICU are referred from: OPD, ER, Admissions Office, Business Center, Ward 4, ICN and other hospitals in the region. Total number of admission in 2020 is 98 patients.

Neonatal Care Unit

The neonatal intensive care unit contains ten beds of intensive neonatal care and 15 beds Neonatal intermediate care covered by two Neonatology Consultants, 6 Neonatology Staff Physician, Academic Residents and NICU nurses.

This unit is equipped by 3 high frequency sensor medix, 14 ventilators (working as high frequency ventilator, conventional ventilator & continues positive airway pressure) and 4 high flow nasal cannula.

Its also occupied by incubators, two whole body cooling machine and two high intensity photo therapy machine. Total number of admission in 2020 is 596 patients.

Scope of Services

Provision of Emergency and Outpatient services for Pediatric age group from birth up to the age of 12 years, through clinical examination, investigation and either immediate treatment or admission 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) provides the medical and supportive care for neonates of different birth weights and gestational ages. Intensive Care Unit (PICU) provides intensive medical and interventional care for critically ill children.


Patient Care:

The Department of Pediatrics is dedicated to provide exemplary care of infants, children and adolescents. We strive to deliver state of the art health care with an emphasis on complex conditions with multidisciplinary needs in the realization that a holistic approach to the patients is required. Patient care includes inpatients and outpatient of allied hospitals with the additional responsibility of being involved with community and health care workers in the prevention of childhood disorders.


The Department of Pediatrics is committed to the education of undergraduate medical students, resident staff training in general pediatrics and pediatric sub-specialties. The involvement of pediatric staff in the education of child health care professionals in the community for the dissemination of health care information.


The Department of Pediatrics is dedicated for developing, fostering and promoting pediatric knowledge and skills through the ethical conduct of clinical and basic research. A Practice-Based Learning and Improvement that involves investigation and evaluation of patient care, appraisal and assimilation of scientific evidence and improvements in patient care is emphasized.


  • The Department will support the pediatric residency program with formal didactic activities and clinically oriented teaching.
  • The Department will participate in the training of the nurse practitioner students with group instruction and clinical teaching activities.
  • The Department will be a leading Continuing Medical Education (CME) resource for the uniformed services by conducting and supporting local and national courses, enhancing the skills and knowledge base of the practicing pediatric provider.
  • The Department will provide direct care to patients and families and worldwide consultation services to the practicing pediatrician and other providers of care to children.
  • The Department will attract medical students to join the pediatric profession through excellence in teaching and mentoring by the faculty, and will foster the development of future pediatric leaders.


Pediatric Department consists of Eleven subspecialties:

1. pulmonary and asthma clinic

2. Critical Care

3. Endocrinology

4. Gastroenterology

5. General Pediatrics

6. Hematology/Oncology

7. Infectious Diseases

8. Neonatology

9. Nephrology

10. Neurology

11. cardiology

Clinical Programs

  • Eye Exam Screening (ROP in Premature Infants)

  • Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program

  • Newborn Screening for G6PD Deficiency

  • RSV Prophylaxis Program

  • Cord TSH Program

  • Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry (TcB)

  • Newborn Oximetry Screening for Critical Congenital

  • Heart Disease

  • Newborn metabolic screen



Dr. Sara AL Muttiri


Contact us


Phone and Extensions: Department of Pediatrics Mail Code 315

King Abdulaziz Hospital, Al Ahsa

P.O. Box 2477, Al Ahsa, 31982 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tel. No. 013-5339999 ext. 33394-38065

Fax No. +966-3-5910000 ext. 38065

E-mail address:

Pediatrics Outpatient Clinic Contact Number

Tel. No. 013-5339999 ext. 34735

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Last Modified

3/6/2023 2:39 PM