The Department of Surgery at King Abdulaziz Hospital, Al Ahsa is committed to the provision of quality patient care, Resident Training, Medical Intern Training and continued Medical Education. Our department is an autonomous division of the Medical Services within the hospital organization. The mission is to organize the delivery of patient care, the practice of the performance improvement, the conduction of continuing education and the performance of administrative duties.
Division Capacity
As the National Guard Hospital Eastern Region has been the leading force in Laparoscopic procedures, we have managed to complete the following procedures Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic Appendectomy, Laparoscopic Varicolectomy, Laparoscopic Gastric Banding for Obesity, Laparoscopic Gastric By-Pass for Obesity, Laparoscopic VGB for Obesity, Laparoscopic Trans-abdominal Repair of Inguinal Hernia and Laparoscopic Retro-peritoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair
The Surgery Department had been doing Bariatric Surgery since the commissioning of the hospital.. Referral of Patients for bariatric surgery are coming on routine basis for Advanced Laparoscopic Procedures. Besides bariatric surgery, we are doing most of: abdominal surgeries as laparoscopy.
Our team is anxious in providing the best possible service available to our patients. As we continue to be the leaders in offering innovative and up to date services, to our patients, we have great enthusiasm and anticipation that we will continue on this path well into the years to come.
We will endeavor to progress more in the field of laparoscopy procedures especially that we are recruiting patients now from all over the Kingdom.
At the same time, we will continue to support the activities of the Surgical Club in this area in order to upgrade the standard and quality of other surgeons in the area, as well as collaboration with Primary Health Care physicians. Annual Surgery Symposium and Workshop has been started few years ago and we will continue to do so in the years to come.
Scope of Services
OR / Day Surgery Unit
- Main OR – 4 (1 for emergency)
- DSU – 2
- L&D ( one room biweekly)
The surgery department is providing the following services:
General Surgery
Head Name:Dr. Abdullah Al Ghamdi
Head Name:Dr. Mansour AL Saflan
Head Name:Dr. Abdulbari Bin Ajjaj
Head Name:Dr. Mohammed Sharif
Pediatric Surgery
Head Name:Dr. Atef El Barawy
Head Name:Dr. Omar AL Abdulsalam
Clinical Programs
General Surgery Residency Training Program
Program Director:Dr. Tahani Al Qurashi
Orthopedic Residency Training Program
Program Director:Dr. Bader Al Qahtani
Urology Residency Training Program
Program Director:Dr. Abdulaziz Al Suwaiegh
ENT Residency Training Program
Program Director:Dr. Ahmed Zekry
Dr. Abdullah Al Ghamdi
Dr. Abdullah Al Ghamdi
Section Head of General Surgery
Dr. Mansour Al Saflan
Section Head of Orthopedic Division
Dr. Mohammed Sharif
Section Head of ENT Division
Dr. Atef El Barawy
Section Head of Pediatric Surgery
Dr. Abdulbari Bin Ajjaj
Section Head of Urology Division
Dr. Omar Al Abdulsalam
Section Head of Ophthalmology Division
Contact Information
Phone and Extensions: Direct line 0135336891 – 0135339999 – Ext 36891