The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is a modern laboratory which is staffed by a highly skilled and qualified workforce. The laboratory provides a 24-hour quality service, and it is also responsible for Point of Care Testing for the whole hospital.


To emphasize excellence on all Laboratory services in order to achieve and maintain the highest quality for the patients of NGHA by being in compliance with the international standards set by CBAHI, JCI, CAP, ISO 1589 and AABB. To serve our patients in a courteous and caring manner. To be an optimal and trustworthy partner of the NGHA Health Care Team by effectively serving them in a most effective, dependable, and efficient manner. To establish and promote professional partnerships and strategic alliances, while creating a professional work environment that fosters and recognizes individual contribution, teamwork, growth and learning.


It envisaged that Lab PMBAH is working towards being the best diagnostic facility in the organization and national and international recognition for outstanding achievement and excellence in all areas of the laboratory investigation and ongoing research. It will provide the most modern and cost-effective laboratory tests to its customers.


Dr.Walid Khalbuss

Chairman of Pathology &Laboratory


New Services:

  1. Covid-19 PCR Testing was introduced in our Molecular Biology Unit as requested to deal with STAT testing.
  2. Covid-19 IgG Antibodies Testing was introduced in our serology section.
  3. The Laboratory is launching the New BestCare Laboratory Information System to replace the existing Cerner Millennium LIS effective go live date will be November 27, 2020
  4. Replacing of the Data Innovation System with the AMS system
  5. Establishing and launching of the New AlinIQ IMS Inventory Management System.
  6. Changing of the Chemistry, Hormones & Serology automation system from Abbott Architect system to Abbott Alinity, which included the validation of all tests on our scope of service on the new system.
  7. Successful Accreditation by the College of American Pathologist’ laboratory Accreditation Program a
  8. Reaccreditation to A2LA ISO 15189 medical laboratory accreditation program.


There is a plan to expand the Molecular section to increase the lab services.

New Technologies :

  1. Mass Spectroscopy for microorganism detection in Microbiology section
  2. New BestCare Laboratory Information System
  3. Abbott AlinIQ AMS analyzer management system.


  • Rejected samples


  • Blood Culture Contamination

  • Invalid nasal swabs

  • Clotted samples

  • Blood wastage

  • Incorrect order


Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by single time blood donation. The study was approved by King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) Ethics committee, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (study number RM19/005/m).

Lab Quality Management

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz hospital employs a robust lab quality management system based on the 12 CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute) QSE’s essentials model which is full ‎compliance with our accreditation organization such as A2la ISO 15189, the CAP (College of American Pathologist), AABB (American Association of Blood Banks), JCI and CBAHI.

The ultimately aim of the Lab Quality Management section is the outcome of patient care. For a patient-centred approach, there is the need to assure that each and every step of the total testing process is correctly performed, that eventual weaknesses should be recognized, and that corrective/preventive actions designed and implemented.

The continual improvement is the cornerstone of the department and what enables this is the full implementation of the frame work of a Quality system to which all laboratory processes in all laboratory divisions (‎managerial and operational) are aligned to. This consists of 12 Quality System Essentials (QSE).

  • Documents and records -media lab powerful cloud based program exceed regulatory needs
  • Organization- ‎our management structure provides a strong framwework for oversight and responsibility of all operational processes.
  • Personnel ‎-highly qualified and trained staff from multinational workface
  • Equipment- latest technology implemented to increase TAT, reliability and accurateness of patient test report
  • Process Control-all the activities employed in the handling of samples and examination processes are meticulously monitored in order to ensure accurate and reliable testing
  • Information Management- latest IT hardware and software with integrated systems
  • Occurrence Management – safety reporting system and CAPA to capture ‎non conformances
  • Assessment- internal assessment and external assessment to ensure full compliance to regulatory bodies
  • Process Improvement-continual improvement through quality indicators, quality improvement projects and satisfaction surveys,
  • Customer Service- staff and customer complaints and suggestions
  • Facilities and Safety-ensuring all-inclusive safety welfare through a vigorous safety program

Clinical Chemistry Section

The clinical chemistry of PMBAH is one of the emerging departments in the laboratory medicine, providing a menu of analytical tests including special clinical chemistry investigations and procedures. The increased test menu is expecting more assays in the future and the section performs approximately 1 million tests per. Our section has 13 full time technologists who work towards a common goal of quality and patient safety by providing clinical chemistry reports with reliability, highest quality, timeliness and accuracy.

Core Values
A sense of accomplishment, confidence in meeting the highest standards of practice, a process where the entire laboratory team focuses on quality and patient safety care.

Our section maintains high standards of practice through sound judgment in establishing, performing and evaluating laboratory tests. Continuous improvement of laboratory performance by monitoring proficiency testing results, training and up-grading skills through CME programs, second- and third-party audits and benchmarking.
The clinical chemistry laboratory of PMBAH has been accredited by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) since 2018 and has been accredited by the Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions (CBAHI) since 2019 and has been accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) since 2020
The main sections in clinical chemistry include the following:
  • Advanced immunochemistry analyzer with excellent panel of endocrine hormones.
  • Automated therapeutic drugs monitoring.
  • Special integrated system for STAT-samples.
  • Fully sophisticated and integrated instrument support for all assays.
  • Advanced back up instrument support.

Serology Laboratory

Serology laboratory plays an important role in determination and measurement of the body immune response against different disease states.

Serology laboratory screens antibodies associated with different autoantibodies and ‎infectious diseases in patients, blood bank donors, and new employees.

Immunologic tests ‎are used as an aid in diagnosis, therapy monitoring or to determine immune/ non-immune status.‎

Transfusion Medicine Services

Prince Mohamed Bin Abdulaziz hospital Transfusion Medicine Services contains Donor center with Apheresis services, component processing and transfusion services also known as blood bank.

TMS is abiding and obtained the highest standards according to ISO 15189 (International Standard Organization), CAP (College of American Pathology) and CBAHI (Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions) since beginning of operation at 2013 till this date. Further accreditations and accomplishments are planned as future goals to rise and maintain the quality of services offered at PMBAH TMS.

TMS services includes but not limited to; Blood donation both whole blood and apheresis, blood products processing for transfusion purposes, investigations for donors and patients (pre and post transfusion studies) as well as therapeutic services (e.g., whole blood therapeutic donation and apheresis therapeutic services).

There are a total of sixteen staff to ensure the quality operation on TMS including; one medical director, one transfusion medicine supervisor, one apheresis nurse, nine medical technologist II and four donor technologists.

Transfusion services utilize the latest technology in investigations and processing including conventional tube method and solid phase testing. Over 32000 tests conducted annually for both donor and patient investigations including but not limited to; blood grouping and typing, medically significant antibody screening and identification, red blood cells antigen phenotyping, Direct antihuman globulin testing and antibody titration.

All cellular products (Packed red blood cells and platelet concentrate/apheresis) prepared and offered for transfusion in PMBAH are leukocyte reduced to decrease adverse transfusion reactions as well as providing irradiated products to immune compromised patients in order to minimize graft versus host disease events.

All donors are screened for infectious diseases and only negative testing for the following; Hepatitis B and C virus (HBV and HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 and 2, Syphilis, Human T-lymphocyte virus (HTLV), Malaria and bacterial contamination are eligible products for transfusion.

Molecular Biology Section

The section is a part of internationally accredited laboratory to JCI, A2la ISO 15189, CAP and CBAHI. The molecular biology section processes a considerable number of specimens a year to serve patients and blood donors in PMBAH as well as performing molecular tests on a wide range of analyzers such as Cepheid GeneXpert (PCR) system for diagnosing bacterial & viral infection such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Clostridium difficile, influenza A, influenza B, H1N1 and SARS CoV2. Additionally, the Procleix Panther system is used for processing HIV, HCV & HBV NAT molecular tests.

Our section maintains high standards of practice through sound judgment in establishing, performing, and evaluating laboratory tests. Creates awareness among all employees, through training and implementation of defined quality system procedures.


The Microbiology section at PMBAH is a full-service laboratory managing an increasing rate of specimens yearly in all different sub-sections. It offers full identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of all clinically significant bacterial, fungal and yeast isolates. Tests are performed by competent and highly skilled microbiology technologists .

The section is equipped by the most recent technologies in performing identification and susceptibility testing which provide an accurate result in short time that leads to better patient care. In addition, the section is training interns student from Taiba university during their internship year.

Bacteriology :
(photo 2,3 and 4 )
In this section Specimens are examined for routine bacteriology, using automated techniques, to identify and characterize microbial pathogens as well as provide guidance for their treatment. Organisms’ identification is done by a novel technology MALDI-TOF for rapid identification as the first hospital in Medina Region . susceptibility testing is carried out by automated system, and manually in rare cases Blood culture specimens incubated and monitored by an automated system provided by BD . The section is monitoring the trends of multi- drug resistance pathogens and play an essential role in Antimicrobial Stewardship Program , by continuous and timely reporting to IPC . Dialysis center and hospital wards in addition to pharmacy are supported by the section in terms of environmental testing , including water culture , Water endotoxin and Air culture for fungal and bacteria. Microbiology also is cornerstone with collaboration with infection & prevention control in investigating any microbial outbreak
Mycology : The section provides diagnostic tests of superficial and systemic mycosis , in addition to yeast identification and sensitivity for anti-fungal agents.

Parasitology :
In this section all stool samples are examined for parasitic infection using direct wet preparation and concentration techniques & special stain (Trichrome ), the section also performs rapid detection test for Giardia and cryptosporidium .

Urinalysis :
In this section a large number of Urine samples are analyzed chemically and microscopically by full automated system (IRIS 2000).

Anatomic Pathology

The Anatomic Pathology Section at PMBAH, is fully operational for consultative and diagnostic services including Histopathology and Cytopathology.
At PMBAH, we value every patient and provide the best care by delivering diagnostic accuracy utilizing the state-of-the art technology. The sections technical staff are highly skilled in the field of technological procedures, where the foundation of good diagnosis begins.
The section receives specimens from small biopsies to complex ‎surgical cases. There are currently two highly trained and experienced consultant Pathologists who evaluate and diagnose every patient and collaborate with other physicians as a multidisciplinary team focused on exemplary quality care.


The technical staff deal with every aspect of surgical specimen processing. This section offers many services, such as: Specimen Gross with Photography, Rapid Frozen Section, additional specialized stain and ‎Immunohistochemistry. The histopathology Laboratory has some of the finest equipment available for Tissue ‎Processing, Embedding, Microtomes for sectioning, automated strainers and ‎Glass Cover Slipper.‎
The highly optimized Benchmark Ultra manufactured by Ventana Medical Systems is available in the area of immunohistochemistry with availability of around 100 ‎antibodies for assisting difficult diagnosis. Future plans for expansion of the laboratory are in progress. ‎

The Cytology Laboratory performs Gynecological Pap Test cases; non-gynecological ‎body fluid cases; and Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) cases.‎
The section employs and is directed by qualified and professionally certified staff with skills dedicated ‎to the discipline. There is currently one Cytologist which is periodically subject to proficiency testing to fine-tune her diagnostic ‎skills, and the overall operation is scrutinized and accredited by the College of American Pathologist.
‎The Pap test service is a comprehensive screening system primarily for the detection of precursor ‎uterine cervical lesions. The service offers a routine screening component for asymptomatic patients, ‎and a diagnostic component to monitor and manage the treatment of identified disease. The section ‎offers Thin Prep liquid-based technology platforms that are performed which minimize diagnostic limitations thus improving the capture of clinically significant ‎epithelial cells.‎
The section offers comprehensive diagnostic services for the detection of malignancy in non-‎gynecological body fluid specimens. This service includes utilization of ancillary testing approaches ‎currently regarded standard of practice; including special stains and ‎Immunohistochemistry.
The FNA service supports the sampling of either palpable or deep-seated masses and involve ‎specimens that are acquired conducted under radiologic imaging, and those ‎that are conducted by clinicians and staff pathologist during specified FNA Clinic services.‎The FNA Service is considered critical; particular for those patients that present with a suspicion of ‎malignancy and provide timely diagnoses to supports prompt therapeutic intervention. ‎

Point of care

The section POCT is defined as diagnostic testing performed at or near the site of patient care. Therefore, this essential POCT section can provide faster laboratory result by utilizing whole blood. Faster results allow the potential for quicker therapeutic action and improved patient outcome and satisfaction.

The section Point of Care Testing includes:
  • Whole blood glucose.
  • Whole blood creatinine.

Hematology Laboratory
The Hematology Laboratory is an essential section in Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz Hospital for testing stat, routine, and special samples in the department of pathology laboratory medicine. The Hematology Laboratory is monitoring the quality of the service provided to maintain the highest standard, up to date, comprehensive service to all patients at NGHA. Employing highly qualified and skilled medical technologists operating 24/7 to provide a high standard quality service to achieve the mission and vision of Ministry of NGHA.

The Hematology Laboratory has met the requirements of national and international accreditation in minimal period of time. It has been accredited by A2la ISO 15189 in 2018, CBAHI in 2019, CAP in 2020 and JCI in 2021. The hematology laboratory serves the Main hospital, Primary Health care Madinah & Yanbu and King Abdullah Dialysis Center.

The section of Hematology provides:

Routine Hematology
  • Clerical/Manual (Malaria/Sickle screen)
  • Automated Hematology(CBC Indices/Diff/Retic)
  • BF/CSF cell count
  • Microscopy (Cell Differential/Cell Morphology/Blood Smear)
  • Coagulation
  • Routine Coagulation (PT/PTT/D-Dimer/Fibrinogen)
  • Special Hematology
  • Bone Marrow(Aspirate/Biopsy)
  • Hemoglobin Analysis (Capillary Hemoglobin Electrophoresis)
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) quantitative test

Pre-analytical testing

The specimens receiving area is one of the main sections in the laboratory the samples are received from all hospital wards processed to be ready for distribution to the other sections. The sections consists of send-our bench and samples receiving bench.

The phlebotomy area has:

  • Male phlebotomy area

  • Female and pediatric area

The total number of staff is 21 the OPD lab is open from Sunday to Wednesday from 0800 till 1700. The receiving area is 24/7


The education section in the PMBAH lab is responsible for managing and organizing the lectures, webinars and educational activities based on weekly and monthly. In addition, the education section is responsible to manage the participation in international events such as World Health Days and Lab Week. Furthermore, the section is strongly supports technologists and specialists earning CME hours. Moreover, ‎ the education section is providing an educational program according to the Saudi Career ‎Development Program (SCDP). This program is created and designed to educate and train Saudi individuals for one ‎year in the laboratory sections under high qualified specialists. The education section has distributed more than 88 webinars, events and conferences through emails and social media.

Contact Us


+966-14-8669999 EXT: 68040
