Provides in-patient and outpatient services to Ministry of National Guard Hospital dependent children from birth until 14 years old. Children are referred from Labour room, emergency department and primary health care. The department has the following units: Neonatal Intensive Care (8 cots), Intermediate Care Nursery (20 cots), General Pediatrics (24 Beds), high dependency (4 Beds) and Pediatric intensive care unit (6 Beds). In addition to general Pediatrics and Neonatal Care.


  1. Avoid transferring the patients to other hospital.

  2. Meeting the organization request.

  3. Reducing the load on the NICU and reducing the cross infection.

Clinical services provided

The department provides the following Pediatric Subspecialty Services:

  • Pediatric Endocrinology,

  • Cardiology

  • Neurology

  • Gastroenterology

  • Haematology/Oncology

  • Infectious Disease

  • Genetic/Metabolic

  • Nephrology

Education and Training

  • RTP Director :
Dr. Eman Nooreddeen
  • Deputy :
Dr.Dalal Al Harbi
  • Number of residents :
Total number of 11 residents currently


  1. Overall compliance rate of hand hygiene

  2. Percentage of best care documentation compliance

  3. Monitoring of Late Onset Sepsis in infants with Birth Weight less than 1500gms (VLBW)


  1. Early introduction of non-invasive ventilation to avoid invasive.

  2. Follow lung protective strategy guideline to avoid VAll (Use suitable PEEP,low TV and plateau pressures less than 30 cm H20).

  3. Early extubation when possible.

  4. Optimize the support sedation and muscle relaxant during mechanical ventilation.


  1. Optimizing Hand hygiene: regular education and observation for ideal hand cleaning practice with help of ICdepartment, a KPIto follow the compliance.

  2. Applying CLABSIbundle.(as AAPrecommendation)

  3. Optimizing duration of UVC(~14 days) and UAC(~5 days) as per AAP recommendation.

  4. Early enteral feeding with minimizing of interruption: Feeding to be started on day zero if no contraindication, stopping to trace the gastric residual, following strictly the feeding protocol DPP, Immediate assessment for any concern regarding tolerance of feeding to avoid interruption.

  5. Improving breast feeding practice: proactive role of breast feeding educator, supplying breast milkpump, allowing nursing mothers to visit and feed babies 25/7.

Clinical care out come

  • Improving of hand hygiene compliance rate from 72.5 % to 97.50 % ( January – December 2020)

  • 88 % to 93% in 2021 and aim to reach up to 100% by the end of the year Percentage of best care documentation compliance rate improved from 87% to

  • 100% (January –December 2020)

  • In 2019 we had 8 cases of proven LOS (blood culture) out of 37 admitted infants with VLBW. This represents an incidence of 21.6%.

  • In 2020 after implementing our project we had 5 cases of proven LOS out of 25 admitted

  • VLBW infants. This represents an incidence of 20%.

  • First half of 2021 we had 3 cases proven LOS out of 16. this represent 18 .7 % Which is going with our target to keep the incidence of LOS in VLBW infants

  • between(15%-20 %)

Achievement and awards

  • We participate in Patient Safety Award with our project titled (Monitoring of Late Onset Sepsis in infants with Birth Weight less than 1500gms (VLBW).

  • Starting Newborn screening program in collaboration with central region.

  • Increasing the Neonatal unit capacity.

  • The department is taking part in the regular Pediatric Cardiac Charity missions organized by King Salman Charity Centre.

Research and publications

  • Babiker A, Al Hamdan W, Kinani S, Kazzaz Y, Habeb A et al. Perioperative control of paroxysmal hypertension using esmolol with alpha-blockade in a child with a germline Mutated paraganglioma. Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2021 Jul 19; 2021(20-0101):EDM200101. doi: 10.1530/EDM-20-0101. PMID: 34280895.

  • Al Juraibah F, Al Amiri E, Al Dubayee M, Al Jubeh J, Al Kandari H, Al Sagheir A, Al Shaikh A, Beshyah SA, Deeb A, Habeb A et al. Diagnosis and management of Xlinked Hypophosphatemia in children and adolescent in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. Arch Osteoporos. 2021 Mar 4; 16(1):52. doi: 10.1007/s11657-021-00879-9.

  • Hamza RT, Deeb A, Al Saffar H, Alani SH, Habeb A. Timing and regimen of puberty induction in children with hypogonadism: a survey on the practice in Arab countries. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Sep 25;33(9):1197-1202. doi: 10.1515/jpem-2020-0157. PMID: 32809957.

  • Habeb AM, Deeb A, Elbarbary N, Beshyah SA. Diagnosis and management of neonatal diabetes mellitus: A survey of physicians' perceptions and practices in ASPED countries. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2020 Jan;159:107975. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2019.107975.

  • Deeb A, Elbarbary N, Smart CE, Beshyah SA, Habeb A et al ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines: Fasting during Ramadan by young people with diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2020 Feb;21(1):5-17. doi: 10.1111/pedi.12920.

  • Al-Hebshi A, Al-Sayaghi KM, Shalby K, Khan A, Attaf M, Butt N, Lujain L, Alwasaidi T, Zolaly M. Treatment of COVID-19 in G6PD deficient patients: A review. Bioscience Research 2020; 17(3):1667-1675.

  • Alhebshi A, Abbas H, Alotaibi H M, et al. (July 21, 2020) A Saudi Child with Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenia and Vitiligo. Cureus 12(7): e9314. doi:10.7759/cureus.9314.

  • Abdulqader Al‐Hebshi, Mohammed Zolaly, Amer Alshengeti, Ghaya Al Qurainees, Sofyan Yamani, Naif Hamdan, Turki Alwasaidi. A Saudi family with sickle cell disease presented with acute crises and COVID‐19 infection. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 10 July 2020


  • Al-Hebshi A (November 25, 2020) Inherited Platelet Function Disorder From Novel Mutations in RAS Guanyl-Releasing Protein-2 Confirmed by Sanger Sequencing. Cureus 12(11): e11708. doi:10.7759/cureus.11708

  • Osman H, Alwasaidi T A, Al-Hebshi A, et al. (January 10, 2021) Vitamin B12 Deficiency Presenting With Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia. Cureus 13(1): e12600. doi:10.7759/cureus.12600

  • Alwasaidi T A, Mustafa W, Osman H, Abdulqader Al-Hebshi, Asma Alfetayeh.(January 31, 2021) Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome With Alopecia Universalis and Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Cureus 13(1): e13033. DOI 10.7759/cureus.13033

  • Atta Ur Rehman Khan*, Abdulqader Al-Habshi, Ali Subei, Rubina Tariq, Kiran Khan. The Emergence of COVID-19: Is it a Proof of Historical Nutritional Neglect?. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 5.3 (2021): 13-16

  • Al-Hebshi A, Aljohani M, Alshenaifi N, et al. (May 28, 2021) A Novel Variant of Adenosine Deaminase 2 Deficiency Presented With Chronic Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, and Early-Onset Stroke. Cureus 13(5): e15288. DOI 10.7759/cureus.15288.

  • Transcatheter device closure of ventricular septal defects in children: a retrospective study at a single cardiac center Saad Q. Khoshhal,a Mansour B. AlMutairi,b Abdulhameed A. Alnajjar,b MohamedM. Morsy,b,c Sherif S. Salem,b,d Mustafa Al-Muhaya,b Khaled M. El-Harbi,a Hany M. AboHadede.

  • Effectiveness of stenting and subsequent re-implantation of disconnected pulmonary artery to restore the pulmonary hemodynamics Saad Khoshhal1 Mansour Al-Mutairi2 Mohamed Morsy2,3 Nasser Kreary2 Abdulhameed Alnajjar2 Hany Abo-Haded1,4

  • Cardiac Catheterization Interventions in Neonates and Infants Less Than Three Months AlAkhfash, Ali A.; Jelly, Ali; Almesned, Abdulrahman; Alqwaiee, Abdullah; Almutairi, Mansour; Salah, Sherif; Hasan, Mahmoud; Almuhaya, Mustafa; Alnajjar, Abdulhamid; Mofeed, Mohammed; and Nasser, Bana (2020) "Cardiac Catheterisation Interventions in Neonates and Infants Less Than Three Months," Journal of the Saudi Heart Association: Vol. 32 : Iss. 2 , Article 10.

  • Journal of Surgical Techniques and Procedures 1 2020 | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | Article 1039 Stenting Obstructed TAPVD for Palliation is a Viable Option in Very Sick Neonates, Syed Aitizaz*, Mansour B Al Mutairi and Saad Khoshhal Department of Pediatric Cardiac Services, Madinah Cardiac Centre, KSA

  • Anomalous Drainage of Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava to the Left Atrium: Case Series and Literature Review, Abdulwahab, Mustafa; Alnajja, Abdulhameed Ali; Jelly, Ali Edris; Syed, Aitizaz Eldien; Morsy, Mohamed Mofeed Fawaz; Al-Mutairi, Mansour Bader; and Alkodami, Alassal Ahmad (2020) "Anomalous Drainage of Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava to the Left Atrium: Case Series and Literature Review," Journal of the Saudi Heart Association: Vol. 32 : Iss. 2, Article 20.

  • Obstructed infracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous connection: The challenge of palliative stenting for the stenotic Vertical vein, Mansour Al-Mutairi,Adnan Aselan,Mustafa Al-Muhaya, Hany AboHaded. The efficacy and safety of percutaneous balloon angioplasty for aortic coarctation in children, Saad Q. Khoshhal, MBBS, SBFM, Mansour B. AlMutairi, MBBS, SBFM, Abdulhameed A. Alnajjar, MBBS, SBFM, Mohamed M. Morsy, MD, PHD, Sherif Salem, MD, PHD, Aseel A. Salmi, MBBS, SBFM, Khaled M. El-Harbi, MBBS, SBFM,Hany M. Abo-Haded, MD, PhD.

  • A Saudi Child With Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenia and Vitiligo Abdulqader Alhebshi , Hasanat Abbas , Hidayah M. Alotaibi , Maryam Attaf , Arwa Al-Yamani

  • A Saudi family with sickle cell disease presented with acute crises and COVID-19 infection, Abdulqader Al-Hebshi1,2,3, Mohammed Zolaly1,4, Amer Alshengeti4, Ghaya AlQurainees1, Sofyan Yamani1, Naif Hamdan1, Turki Alwasaidi 5,6

  • Neonatal Convulsions Nawal Abood Bahassan1*, Marwah Ali Al Hausa2, Eyad Mansour Alghamdi3, Yassmin Hussain Alabndi4, Jhayer Talat Tunsi2, Sami Ayyadah Alshammari5, Suhaib Ghazi Refae6, Hanan Adem Mohamed Nur6, Afaf Abdulali Alsubhi6, Abdulrahman Hilmi Sindi6, Mousa Ali Alhaddad7 and Rayan Ali Karbouji 8

  • Syndromic osteosarcoma, does it carry a poor prognosis? King Hussein Cancer Center experience. A case series report with literature review Abdulqader AlHebshi 1, * and Taleb Ismael 2

  • What is Behind Salmonella? Unusual Presentation in Two Pediatric Cases Eman Nooreddeen , Aisha Mohammed Alemam , Atheer A. Ghous , Abdulaziz A. Abu Alnasr, Ghaya I. Al-Qurainees


Dr. Abdulhadi Habeb


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