Division of Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry is one of the recognized clinical specialties of dentistry that primarily focuses on infants, children, and adolescents. It encompasses most, if not all, the areas of adult dentistry but applies it to pediatric individuals. However, its prominent uniqueness is the challenges presented to the developing child that require particular needs and special assessments. Most importantly, the unique aspect of Pediatric Dentistry is the behavioral guidance techniques, which allows the pediatric dentist to deliver a positive and relatively pain-free experience to children effectively.

Pediatric Dentistry Division provides comprehensive dental treatment for approximately 300 patients per week at King Abdulaziz Dental Center (KADC). However, our Division members offer comprehensive dental treatment under General Anesthesia for about 70 cases per month at King Abdullah Specialized Children Hospital (KASCH). Furthermore, some cardiac cases requiring comprehensive dental treatment under general anesthesia and extensive cardiac monitoring are held at King Abdulaziz Cardiac Center.

Pediatric Dentistry aims to treat infants, children through adolescence, including patients with special healthcare needs with medical, emotional, mental, or physical disabilities. Scope of treatment includes individualized preventive dental health program based on caries risk assessment tool, diagnosis and management of traumatized primary and permanent teeth, diagnosis of oral pathologies and performing applicable oral surgical procedures, interceptive orthodontics treatment, emergency treatments, and comprehensive oral health care.

These treatments can be provided in the dental clinic under local anesthesia, nitrous oxide/sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on the child’s age, medical condition, behavior, and severity of treatment. On the other hand, Pediatric Dentistry Division is the leading residency program in the acceptance of candidates per year and implementing effective learning outcomes among other training centers. In addition, the Pediatric Dentists serve on-call duties to provide in-patients dental clearance, dental trauma, and emergency cases 24/7 per week.

Leadership of Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Saad Manea

Pediatric Dentistry Division Head