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Diagnostic Cytology Program  


Cell under the microscopeThe clinical laboratory discipline of Diagnostic Cytology entails cytopreparation and the microscopic analysis of clinical specimens for the identification of abnormal cells. The ultimate target of Diagnostic Cytology is the identification of malignant cells. Diagnostic Cytology is regarded a field of high complexity analyses which require particular abilities and skills to ensure professional proficiency.

The discipline is composed of three basic sub-disciplines: Gynecological Cytology; Non-Gynecological Cytology; and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Every one of these sub-categories is associated with specific cytopreparatory technologies and cytodiagnostic approaches.

Gynecological Cytology involves predominantly, analysis of Pap Test samples, comprising a screening test vehicle for the detection of cervical cancer in (mainly asymptomatic) women; but preferably, for the identification of pre-malignant epithelial lesions to foster effective disease eradication. Historically, the Pap Test has a proven track record for a significant reduction of cervical disease in adequately-screened clinical populations.

Non-Gynecological Cytology involves predominantly the analysis of cells salvaged from body fluid clinical samples for the identification of malignancy, in both men and women. This study involves mainly symptomatic patients, and is not considered a screening diagnostic service.

Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Cytology involves the direct sampling of identifiable masses for the detection of either benign or malignant neoplasms, in essentially any accessible body site, in both men and women. The overall FNA operation is a critical diagnostic service to discern the nature of tumors, and therefore guide oncologists determine appropriate patient management schemes.


The MLTTP-Cytology is a one year practical and theoretical based training program, it target graduates from clinical laboratory science of equivalent programs, who are looking for a better future positions or interested in developing and advancing their knowledge and expertise in the field of diagnostic cytology

Program outlines:

The Program emphasizes the theoretical and practical training required to ensure professional and occupational success.The Program is also designed to expose candidates to currently standard technologies such as liquid based platforms. The Cytopathology Section at King Abdulaziz Medical City employs two concomitant platforms: ThinPrep and SurePath; and successful graduates may achieve professional certification in both platforms to increase their qualifications and professional marketability.

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Last Modified

12/23/2020 11:11 AM