Acute Care Unit B (ACU B)

ACUB is 24 beds + 4 chairs in a holding area for stable ambulatory patients, it also has two negative pressure rooms to accommodate patients needed airport isolation. ACUB is a high to moderate acuity unit, managing CTAS level 3 mainly and level 2 in some cases, such as Psychiatric patients. 

ACUB objective is to determine patient disposition within four (4) hours of arrival to the ECC, discharge, or admission. Two (2) hours for consultation and layoff or transfer from ER to inpatient areas. ACUB manages, on average, 100 patients per day. ACUB unit receives patients from RAM A &B, Flue clinic after clearance, Checkpoint, fast track, and downgraded patients from Resuscitation unit.

ACUB staff responds to RU unit as trauma responders, BLS external code blue responders, and references to port-a-catheter access.

ACUB staffing is composed of 1 Nurse Manager, 1 Clinical Resource Nurse, 4 Nurse Coordinators, 54 Staff Nurses, and 8 Patient Care Technicians. Nurse to patient ratio is at 1:3, with the ability to provide 1:1 in Psychiatric patients.
ACUB main quality care index focus on Independent Double Check (IDC) Audit, CLMA mismatch, HAPI, fall, Infection Prevention, and Control Practices. Pain Management and Hand Hygiene compliance.​