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KASCH Pediatric Anesthesia Department

KASCH Pediatric Anesthesia

Welcome to KASCH pediatric anesthesia department. It is one of the most advanced pediatric anesthesia departments in Saudi Arabia.

Mission of KASCH Pediatric Anesthesia

At King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital (KASCH), the Pediatric Anesthesia Department gives young patients care that is up to date and thorough. As experts, our staff care for premature, former premature, full-term, and patients in all recognized sub-specialties, such as pediatric pain management, transplant anesthesia, surgeries for non-heart patients, and the separation of conjoined twins. We do it in a successful academic health center where residents and fellows learn in an atmosphere of advanced scientific and clinical research.

Vision of KASCH Pediatric Anesthesia

The Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology will lead the evolution of ‎pediatric perioperative care in the Middle East through advances in the care of ‎patients with acute and chronic illnesses and education of future pediatric ‎anesthesiologists.

  1. Integrate approaches to the care of patients from the ‎time of diagnosis to discharge and follow-up.
  2. Advance ‎pediatric anesthesia science by improving our patients' efficiency, safety, and ‎perioperative experience while reducing costs, complication rates ‎, and hospital lengths of stay.
  3. Lead the pediatric anesthesia research ‎through the enormous data available from the daily cases and rare cases we ‎used to deal with.
  4. Aim to be the first tertiary pediatric hospital in KSA.
  5. Aim to be the first independent pediatric anesthesia fellowship program.

KASCH Pediatric Anesthesia Programs

  • Our pediatric anesthesia department offers an independent pediatric anesthesia program for graduated residents. This program meets all the requirements for the fellowship program approved by the Saudi commission for health specialists (SCFHS). The Department Consultants supervise and teach in both clinical and non-clinical settings. They also help with daily evaluations, promotions, and final exams.

  • The Anesthesia Residency Program is run by SCFHS. The pediatric anesthesia department helps by giving the anesthesia residents a place to learn and grow. At the same time, they do their rotations in pediatric anesthesia. The residents can help with anesthesia services while supervised and add to the on-call rota.

  • The Saudi Development Program (SDP) is the most important training program for developing skilled pediatric anesthesia technicians. It lasts for one year and includes hands-on practice and complete supervision of technician level I. It ends with a nomination for a contract assignment.

KASCH Pediatric Anesthesia Education and Training

  • To provide opportunities for residents and fellows to attain all competencies as ‎outlined in their training objectives. ‎
  • To process fellows' applications and facilitate new fellows' enrollment into the ‎program in coordination with medical education.‎
  • Conduct assessment for the promotion of fellows in the program following policies determined by SCFHS
  • Undertake an ongoing review of the program to evaluate the educational experience's quality and the resources available.‎

KASCH Pediatric Anesthesia Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • PACU Key Performance Indicators’

    • Pain score on arrival to PACU < 6‎

    • Patient Temperature >36 C◦ on arrival to PACU

    • Oxygen Saturation >92% on arrival to PACU

    • No nausea & vomiting in PACU

    • PACU stay < 90 minutes

  • Operational Key Performance Indicators’

    • Cancellation of booked elective cases (anesthesia related).‎

    • Anesthesia start time <20 minutes.‎

    • Anesthesia end time <20 minutes.‎

    • Unplanned PICU admission.‎

    • Unplanned admission for day case procedure.‎

    • Complete anesthesia documentation (pre-anesthesia evaluation & ‎anesthesia record).‎

  • Patient experience Key Performance Indicators’

    • Parents of patients who were satisfied with anesthesia care received.‎

    • Number of written complaints received (annual).

Title Research type URL Status
A Case Series of ‎Different ‎Anesthesia ‎Approaches for ‎Single Ventricular ‎Physiology ‎Patients in ‎Various Stages of ‎Palliation ‎Underwent Non-‎cardiac ‎Procedures
Case Report
Anesthetic ‎Considerations ‎for ‎Craniopharyngioma Resection in ‎Pediatric Patient ‎with Fontan ‎Physiology
Case Report
Motor and ‎somatosensory ‎evoked potential ‎spinal cord ‎monitoring during ‎intubation and ‎neck extension ‎for thyroidectomy ‎in a Down ‎syndrome boy ‎with atlantoaxial ‎instability
Case Report
Spinal anesthesia ‎instead of general ‎anesthesia for ‎infants ‎undergoing ‎tendon Achilles ‎lengthening
Retrospective Study
Religious-related ‎concerns and ‎animal-derived ‎medications ‎during anesthetic ‎care
Case Report

Prediction of ICU ‎admission after ‎general anesthesia ‎for pediatric ‎cardiac patients ‎undergoing non-‎cardiac surgery
Retrospective Study


Factors impact ‎Anesthesiology ‎residents in Saudi ‎Arabia when ‎planning their ‎future
Cohort ‎Study

An Audit of ‎perioperative use ‎of Tramadol in ‎children in a ‎specialized ‎children hospital
Retrospective Study
Perioperative care ‎of pediatric ‎anesthesia for ‎children with ‎suspected or ‎confirmed ‎COVID 19‎
Review Article
Pediatric ‎unplanned ‎admission in ‎specialized ‎children hospital. ‎a retrospective ‎study
Retrospective Study

Last Modified

11/27/2022 12:15 PM