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The admission announcement will be p​​laced in the local newspaper.​

​There is fierce competition o​n limited number of positions might be offered for the best Saudi candidates recommended by PGME committee. ​​

The admission is “currently” limited to Saudi &​ Gulf Countries Citizen (GCC) applicants who have Saudi National ID or GCC National.

​All housing requests will be processed as per policy through the concern department.​​​​​

Yes. However, you should be registered in SCHS as a resident or fellow. In addition, the request for rotation should be submitted to PGME.

Check the website under “Rotating Residents/fellows”.​​

To ensure that the applicant is fit for the profession.

To be aware about the institution policy and procedures such as Quality, Safety, Infection Control.. etc, before you start training.​

No. Straining without identification card (badge),  medical checklist, or orientation is c​​onsidered as violation. Breaching the policy might prevent  you from the training at KAMC facilities.

You should coordinate with the program director with whom you will be trained  in ord​er to move night shift afterward.​​

You should visit PGME office on the first day of rotation or before in order to complete the required docu​ments and form, then to issue the badge after meeting all requirements.

Yes. Check the website under “Transfer from a training center to PGME, KAMC-CR, MNGHA”.
Transfer Requirements:
All admission requirements
No objection Letter from SCHS to transfer.
No objection letter from Current training center  (Postgraduate Medical Education) to transfer.
No objection letter from your sponsor.
Letter from the trainee addressed to PGME, KAMC-CR providing  justifications for transfer.
Provide a copy of all “In Training Evaluations”.
Good standing letter from current Program Director (PD).
Program committee ​and PGME at  KAMC will review the application for transfer and will reply to applicant.​​

PGME office welcome you anytime. You can visit us during the working hours from 8am- 5pm days from Sunday to Thursday at KAMC-CR, Gate No. 2, or c​​ontact us on our phone ​number: 011-8011111, Ext. 13506  or email us on  ​


When will you open the admission for residency/fellowship training programs?

The admission announcement will be placed in the local newspaper.

Do you provide a sponsorship?

There is fierce competition on limited number of positions might be offered for the best Saudi candidates recommended by PGME committee.

Do you accept non-Saudi applicants?

The admission is “currently” limited to Saudi & Gulf Countries Citizen (GCC) applicants who have Saudi National ID or GCC National.

Do you provide housing?

All housing requests will be processed as per policy through the concern department.

Can I have a rotation at KAMC-CR?

Yes. However, you should be registered in SCHS as a resident or fellow. In addition, the request for rotation should be submitted to PGME.

What are the requirements to have a rotation in KAMC-CR?

Check the website under “Rotating Residents/fellows”.

Why to submit the medical check list?

To ensure that the applicant is fit for the profession.

Why to attend the general orientation?

To be aware about the institution policy and procedures such as Quality, Safety, Infection Control.. etc, before you start training.

Can I start training without a badge, medical checklist, or orientation?

No. Straining without identification card (badge), medical checklist, or orientation is considered as violation. Breaching the policy might prevent you from the training at KAMC facilities.

How can I attend the orientation as I have a night shift on my first week of my rotation?

You should coordinate with the program director with whom you will be trained in order to move night shift afterward.

Where should I go on the first day of the rotation?

You should visit PGME office on the first day of rotation or before in order to complete the required documents and form, then to issue the badge after meeting all requirements.

Can I transfer from my current training center to KAMC-CR?

Yes. Check the website under “Transfer from a training center to PGME, KAMC-CR, MNGHA”.

Transfer Requirements:

  • All admission requirements
  • No objection Letter from SCHS to transfer.
  • No objection letter from Current training center (Postgraduate Medical Education) to transfer.
  • No objection letter from your sponsor.
  • Letter from the trainee addressed to PGME, KAMC-CR providing justifications for transfer.
  • Provide a copy of all “In Training Evaluations”.
  • Good standing letter from current Program Director (PD).

Program committee and PGME at KAMC will review the application for transfer and will reply to applicant.

Whom should I contact when I have a question about residency/fellowship training programs?

PGME office welcome you anytime. You can visit us during the working hours from 8am- 5pm days from Sunday to Thursday at KAMC-CR, Gate No. 2, or contact us on our phone number: 011-8011111, Ext. 13506 or email us on