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Adult Cardiology Fellowship Training Program

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​Adult Cardiology Fellowship Training Program

Program overview:

  • This program is recognized by the Saudi Commission for health specialties and is conducted in the King Abdulaziz Cardiac Center at KAMC in Riyadh.
  • Program duration is three years, which will allow the trainee to gain the required knowledge and master the necessary skills.
  • This training program aims to produce a new generation of well-trained and competent adult cardiologists capable of independently diagnosing and treating common cardiovascular diseases at a secondary and tertiary care level.
  • Graduates of the program are qualified to practice general adult cardiology. Successful completion of the program is a qualification that makes its holder entitled to further promotions and better job opportunities in adult cardiology.

Overview of training levels:

First-year would mainly focus on:

  1. The management of inpatient adult cardiology cases in the regular wards and in critical care units.
  2. The management of emergency department consultations.
  3. Rotation through the invasive and non-invasive labs for cardiac catheterization, echocardiography, and stress test.

The second-year would mainly focus on:

  1. Consolidation of the inpatient clinical skills and management of in-hospital consultations.
  2. Ambulatory care services including a wide range of specialized and general cardiology clinics.
  3. Cardiac imaging services including nuclear studies, CT scans, and cardiac MRI.
  4. Further exposure to invasive and non-invasive lab services.

The third-year level is mainly focuses on:

  1. Electrophysiological services, pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery rotations.
  2. Mastering competencies in the invasive and non-invasive skills.
  3. Gain a senior-level confidence in clinical management and decision making.

Academic activities in the program:

  • The first week is mainly dedicated to hospital and departmental orientation, getting the hospital ID (badge) and pager, and obtaining the required access to the information system.
  • The second week is dedicated to the intubation course under the department of anesthesia.
  • The typical fellow day starts at 7:45 am with the handover meeting where the night-shift admissions and urgent inpatient issues are discussed.
  • The handover meeting is then followed by a scheduled divisional or departmental activity, as shown below. After the morning activity, fellows join their respective designated teams/services.
  • Educational activities are included in the table of weekly activities.

Day Morning activity (8-9) Educational activities
Sunday Journal club/scientific update Imaging rounds (12-1 pm)
Monday Combined cardiac/surgery meeting Echo review session (4-5 pm)
Tuesday Grand rounds/ departmental meeting Half academic day (12:30-3:30 pm)
Wednesday Cath lab presentation/ M & M Echo review session (4-5 pm)
Thursday Combined cardiac/surgery meeting

Program governance:

The program is led by an appointed program director and steered by a divisional training committee under the auspices of Postgraduate Medical Education.

Contact Us:

Dr. Mohammad Al Ghamdi

Program Director

Adult Cardiology, Cardiac Sciences

King Abdulaziz Medical City, National Guard

  • Address: Riyadh 11426

  • P.O. Box : 22490

  • Phone: 80 11 111 Ext. 16764

  • Fax: 16700

  • Email:

Virgilio Paulo Ilowa

Program Coordinator

Adult Cardiology, Cardiac Sciences

King Abdulaziz Medical City, National Guard

  • Address: Riyadh 11426

  • P.O. Box : 22490

  • Phone: 80 11 111 Ext. 16584

  • Fax: 16700

  • Email:

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Last Modified

3/2/2023 9:41 AM