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Program Content

Modalities: Fellows must become proficient in the physical principles, indications, setup, logistics and performance of imaging modalities related to body imaging including but not limited to CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, and conventional radiography. They must be knowledgeable in advanced protocols, techniques, artifacts, contraindications and precautions related to the performance of these examinations. They should also become proficient at post processing techniques of 3D data sets utilizing dedicated workstations.

Contrast agents: The fellow will become familiar with the variety of contrast agents available for use in body imaging examinations including but not limited to: oral contrast agents, intravenous sonographic, iodinated, or Gadoloinium-based agents, non-Gadolinium-based MR IV contrast agents, as well as agents used for fluoroscopic intra-cavitary opacification. He/she should be familiar with their preparation, indications, methods of administration, precautions, contraindications, limitations and artifacts.

Pathology: The fellow will become familiar with the presentations, imaging findings, differential diagnosis, complications and management of disease processes related to the adult abdomen and pelvis. These processes include but are not restricted to the following:

  • Congenital abnormalities of the abdominal and genital organs.

  • Infectious diseases (acute and chronic).

  • Inflammatory disorders.

  • Neoplastic diseases (benign or malignant) including detection, staging and followup.

  • Vascular disorders including those of the chest and peripheral vasculature that are related to abdominal pathology.

  • Metabolic, endocrine and depositional diseases of the abdominal viscera.

  • Traumatic & iatrogenic injuries.

  • Functional & mechanical disorders of body organ systems.

  • Emergencies: including investigation of the acute abdomen.

Pathology encountered by the following clinical disciplines shall be included (though not limited to these areas):

  1. General Surgery.

  2. Internal Medicine.

  3. Gastroenterology.

  4. Urology.

  5. Hepatobiliary Surgery.

  6. Hepatology.

  7. Obstetrics and gynecology.

  8. Vascular Surgery.

  9. Nephrology.

  10. Oncology.

  11. Endocrinology.

  12. Colorectal Surgery.

  13. Emergency & Critical Care Medicine.

  14. Family Medicine.

Procedures: The fellow should become proficient in the performance of various procedures related to body imaging including but not limited to fluoroscopic positioning and maneuvers, sonographic & Doppler techniques, as well as basic sonographic & CT- guided interventional procedures (drainages, biopsies, etc.).

Teaching & Didactic activities: The fellow must demonstrate ability to instruct and guide residents by conducting unknown case tutorial sessions at least once a month, providing advice on imaging techniques & patient management, as well as conveying important teaching points during case readouts and reviews. He/she will also exhibit the capability to assimilate information & data and organize it into concise formal educational presentations. Participation in preparing and moderating relevant clinical-pathological meetings will also be required. A regional journal club meeting should be arranged every three months with active participation by the fellow.

Literature: Fellows should become familiar with the major radiological journals and should review them critically on a regular basis. They should learn how to conduct research by making every effort to participate in at least one research project during their training. Participation at a conference or scientific meeting is strongly encouraged.

Radiation & safety: The fellow will acquaint him/herself with all aspects related to radiation & magnetic field safety and protection, following accepted guidelines of practice to ensure the safety of patients and staff alike.

Professional attitudes will be emphasized including adherence to medical and Islamic ethics & practices, as well as maintenance of an attitude of continuing education & learning. Constructive interaction with senior staff, clinicians and technical staff will be exercised. Attributes such as responsibility, dedication, cooperation, teamwork and a solid work ethic will be reinforced through emphasis upon role models.

On-call duties: The fellow will be on-call exclusively for body imaging cases, backing up the on-call residents. The fellow will not be on-call less than three times a month and no more than eight nights per month. This should include one weekend per month.

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12/8/2022 3:55 PM