Official Saudi Government website URL ends with

Website belongs to an official government organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia always ends with

Official Secure websites use HTTPS

Secured governments websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia use Https encryption.

Registered on Digital Government Authority: 20221231224

Application Requir​​​ements ‎​​

The applicant must complete the Registration Form and attach the following documents: ‎

  • Copy of the commercial registration or ‎the official license for the type of ‎services he is providing.‎

  • Copy of Chamber of Commerce ‎Membership certificate.‎

  • Copy of General Organization for Social ‎Insurance Certificate. ‎

  • Copy of the Zakat certificate. ‎

  • Copy of the investment license, if the ‎investor is licensed under the Foreign ‎Investment Law.‎

  • Copy of the certificate from the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development indicating the investor’s ‎compliance with the required percentage ‎of Saudization.‎

  • Copy of the VAT registration certificate.

  • Copy of National Address. ‎​​