Official Saudi Government website URL ends with

Website belongs to an official government organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia always ends with

Official Secure websites use HTTPS

Secured governments websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia use Https encryption.

Registered on Digital Government Authority: 20221231224

Virtual call

This service provides the patient and his relatives at one of the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs facilities or the National Guard health centers. The feature of this service is to create a virtual connection between the patient and his family.
Service Level Agreement
Target audience


Service language

Arabic and English

Service duration


Service channels

IOS Application , Android Application

Service cost


Service release date:
User Manual
  • Download the application from both sides medical staff and the patient relatives.

  • Enter the room number and the Verification code already provided by the medical staff to patient relatives.

  • Press the "Connect" button to start the video call between all the parts.

  • A virtual video call will be generated between both the medical staff and patient relatives.

  • here must be a patient admitted to the inpatient department at one of the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs facilities or the National Guard health centers to be able to join the call.

  • MRN

  • Room Number

  • Verification code