
The Innovative platform provides you the opportunity to join the challenges, which are a presentation of several challenges to the public and receiving creative ideas and solutions from participants to deal with these challenges in new and innovative ways.

Smart Blood Donation Initiative
Do you want to challenge yourself and innovate smart ways to reach as many blood donors as possible? This challenge invites you to engage in a creative and innovative adventure through a project aimed at saving many lives in innovative and smart ways. Make your idea inspire others and achieve a chance for a positive impact on society. Join us in this inspiring challenge and contribute to building a bridge of hope between blood donors and those in need.
Home Care Guide Initiative
Do you want to challenge yourself and innovate for the benefit of home care patients' families, offering inspiring video content that helps them take better and easier care of their patients? This challenge invites you to engage in a journey of creativity and positive impact by providing innovative educational resources that enhance their abilities to provide home care efficiently and comfortably within their homes. Make your idea inspire and support those who care for their loved ones, and contribute to building a bridge of knowledge and cooperation to support the health and well-being of the community. Join us in this inspiring challenge and be part of a positive change that makes a difference in the lives of others.
Together We Advance Initiative
Do you believe that people with special needs have the right to full integration into society and a successful and beneficial experience with integrated standards for them? If so, this challenge invites you to engage in a journey of innovation and positive impact by developing innovative and exciting solutions to achieve a comprehensive and integrated experience for people with special needs in society. Make your idea inspire others and support the understanding, acceptance, and empowerment of these individuals, and contribute to building an inclusive and equal society that offers opportunities and successful experiences for everyone. Join us in this inspiring challenge and be part of the movement that brings about positive change in the lives of people with special needs.​



Challenge Registration Start

12/05/2024 - 13/05/2024  



Submission Close




Preliminary Sorting

15/05/2024 - 16/05/2024  



Final Evaluation

19/05/2024 - 20/05/2024  



Winners Announcement and Recognition
