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Specialized Hospital for Women’s Health is constructed adjacent to King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital and connects via multi-story linking bridge to provide connections between the services of both facilities.
The Health Information System BESTCare project was implemented through several stages, beginning with an intensive search for a system that meets the requirements of Ministry of National Guards - Health Affairs, and at the same time, such system shall adhere to the requirements of international standards.
The King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital in Jeddah is the counterpart of King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital in Riyadh. KASCH, Jeddah provides advanced pediatric care and treatment, and design to calm, comfort and offer positive and safe healing environments for children and their families.
King Abdullah's International Medical Research Center aims to provide a specialized scientific environment that supports clinical research.
The Neuroscience and Trauma Care Center in Jeddah is a medical center specializing in neurology and neurosurgery.
This unique medical institute is named King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital, which is the first medical referral institute that serves the most important part of any society's demographic, “The Children”.
King Salman Specialized Hospital is a new medical city in Taif adjacent to the new MNGHA Saudi Arabian National Guard housing (SANG) development.
The university was formally established in 2005 as a result of the positive feedback from the postgraduate programs in various medical fields that had been offered by the National Guard Health Affairs (NGHA) since the mid-1980s.
The King Abdullah Specialized Hospital in Qassim is intended to be a site adapt of King Salman Specialized Hospital in Taif.
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