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The Health Information System "BESTCare" project was implemented through several stages, beginning with an intensive search for a system that meets the requirements of Ministry of National Guards - Health Affairs, and at the same time, such system shall adhere to the requirements of international standards, In addition, the possibility of internalizing / localizing such system in order to bring out a copy that will meet the requirements of Saudi Arabia and serve the MENA region. After an extensive research, a major international South Korean company was selected, in order to acquire and localize the hospital information system which will ultimately be in line with the local health needs through Saudi expertise, to start working on reaching a milestone in implementing health systems. Moreover, before the official Go-Live in all regions, Real Situation Simulation technique has been applied by the BESTCare team parallel to a support team and a call-center in order to provide technical support and follow-up of the system around the clock to all NGHA Health practitioners to avoid all obstacles and guide users in all facilities to improve the provided health services.

Go Live

  • Central region January 2016.

  • Western region May 2016.

  • Prince Mohammed Bin Abdul Aziz Hospital - Al Madinah Al Munawwarah August 2016.

  • Eastern region, December 2016


  • Contain the patient's medical history through an electronic medical record that starts from birth.

  • Patient interactive self-services, which also provides a package of services after personal verification by either a fingerprint, smart card or the medical record number, to learn more about the appointments and the clinic location map.


  • Its usability and functionality in covering all health centers requirements featuring a unified database, smart phones application, e-consent.

  • Improving communication between doctors and patients and providing educational tools for physicians, trainees and patients.

  • BESTCare promotes “smart hospital” approach by electronically exchanging clinical documents, electronic services to support decision-makers of health-care providers towards patient-centered care.​​
