Official Saudi Government website URL ends with

Website belongs to an official government organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia always ends with

Official Secure websites use HTTPS

Secured governments websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia use Https encryption.

Registered on Digital Government Authority: 20221231224


Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs provides optimum healthcare to SANG personnel, their dependents and other eligible patients. MNGHA also provides excellent academic opportunities, conducts research and participates in industry and community service programs in the health field.


Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs will be recognized as internationally acclaimed centers of excellence to enhance individual and public health status.

Core ​Value​s

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs adheres to core values taken from religious, social and professional principles, abiding by:

  • Respect religious and social values
  • Patient safety and satisfaction
  • Quality performance
  • Respect and dignity
  • Transparency
  • Teamwork
  • Productive work environment
  • Accountability
  • Behavior and work ethic
  • Excellence and innovation
