The Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI®)

The Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI®) is a quality program designed for outpatient-oncology practices to foster a culture of self-examination and improvement. Participating practices can report on over 190 evidence-based quality measures and receive individual performance scores by practice, site, and provider, as well as benchmarked scores aggregated from all participating practices.

Practices use this performance data to identify, develop and implement quality improvement initiatives leading to better care and better outcomes for their patients.

Adult Oncology/Hematology department in King Abdulaziz Medical City decided to experience the initiative to improve the outpatient services in the Department, The Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI®) Certification Program has certified over 300 practices across the United States, Brazil, Greece, Spain, Romania, and KAMC-CR considered the first organization been accredited in the Region and Asia.

More information about QOPI can be found at