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Pediatric Dermatology Division

The Pediatric Dermatology Division has the highest standards for both outpatient and inpatient dermatology care.

Mission of Pediatric Dermatology

Providing tertiary level of care with high standards.

Vision of Pediatric Dermatology

  • Expand the Division.

  • Subspecialized clinics in genodermatoses and vascular anomalies.

  • Become National reference Center.

  • Establish Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship Program.

Objectives of Pediatric Dermatolgy

  1. Patient First.

  2. Lifelong learning.

  3. Visionary Leadership.

Pediatric Dermatology Programs

We provide outpatient, inpatient and ER consultations. Some of the common diseases we diagnose and treat include:

  • Atopic dermatitis

  • Infantile hemangiomas

  • Tinea capitis

  • Bullous diseases

  • Alopecia areata

  • Psoriasis

  • Acne

  • Vitiligo

  • Other types of eczema

  • Pigmentary disorders

  • Skin infections

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Genetic diseases


The clinical exam is the main way we figure out what's wrong. We also often use other methods, like dermoscopy, Wood's lamp, KOH preparation, lab tests, skin biopsies, and genetic testing.

Education and Training in Pediatric Dermatology

Part of the Dermatology Residency Training Program Educate Students& KSAU-HS - Part of the Interns rotations.

Pediatric Dermatology Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  1. More than 8 new patients/clinic to accommodate referrals from family medicine and other specialties.

  2. To maintain minimum of 75% 4 week access to care

Pediatric Dermatology Clinical Care Outcomes

  1. Accommodation of more patients to the clinic

  2. Easier Appointment schedule

Pediatric Dermatology Research and Publications

Dr. Waleed Al Ajoush

  1. Idiopathic Pyoderma Gangrenosum in a Toddler: Case Report, Waleed Alajroush, Nouf Alqahtani, Abdullah Alfaleh J Clin Exp Dermatol Res, Vol.11 Iss.1 No:1000516
  2. Amal Aboud Alasmari ,1 Anadel Hassan Hakeem,1 Fatemah Saleh Bin Saleh,1 Shahad Yousef Alsaigh,1 Waleed Al Ajroush,2 Laila Ali Layqah,3 and Salim Alawi Baharoon Pattern of Dermatological Disease Encountered in a Hematology Ward: A Retrospective Analysis of Dermatology Consultation in a Hematology Ward in a Tertiary Care Center in Saudi Arabia Hindawi Dermatology Research and Practice Volume 2019, Article ID 9891270, 5 pages
  3. Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 5-13
  4. Yousef Bin Amer* and Waleed Al AjroushPemphigus vulgaris in a neonate Ann Saudi Med. 2007 Nov-Dec; 27(6): 453–455. doi: 10.5144/0256-4947.2007.453
  5. Al Jasser M, Al Ajroush W Brucellosis presenting as septal panniculitis with vasculitis International Journal of Dermatology, 26 Jul 2011, 51(12):1526-1529 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-4632.2010.04783.x PMID: 21790549
  6. WaleedAlajrousha MohammadAbuabatbA rare presentation of Subcutaneous Granuloma Annulare in an adult patient. Journal of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery Volume 20, Issue 2, July 2016, Pages 142-145
    Ongoing research:
  1. The noval association of metastatic crhons disease and Wolman disease - case report
  2. The relationship between periodontitis' and vitiligo.

Dr. Sultan Al Khenaizan


A. Journals:.


  1. Nashabat M, Al-Khenaizan S, Alfadhel M. “Methionine adenosyltransferase I/III deficiency: beyond the central nervous system manifestations." Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018 Feb 2;14:225-229. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S151732. eCollection 2018. PMID:294409072017
  2. Alfares A, Al-Khenaizan S, Al Mutairi F. “Peeling skin syndrome associated with novel variant in FLG2 gene." Am J Med Genet A. 2017 Sep 8. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.38468. [Epub ahead of print]


  1. Abdullah Alshaya1., Sultan AlKhenaizan2.,Majed AlFadhl3., Fatemah Altamimi1., Ali Almajhad4., Maher Alshami1., Badi Alenazi1., and Mosleh Jabari5 “Case report H Syndrome". Journal of American Science 2016;12(11) 2015
  2. Alqanatish J., Alqahtani F., Alsewairi W., Al-Khenaizan S. “Childhood scurvy: an unusual cause of refusal to walk in a child". Pediatric Rheumatology.2015,13:23
  3. Sultan Al-Khenaizan and Saad Al-Talhab. “Febuxostat for Gout: A new treatment for an old disease". The Gulf J of Dermatol and Venereol, vol. 22 no. 1 April 2015.
  4. Ayoub N., Al-Khenaizan S., Sonbol H., Albreakan R., AlSufyani M., AlBalwi M. “A Novel homozygous mutation in the SLCO2 A1 gene is associated with severe primary hypertophic osteoarthropathy phenotype in a Saudi patient." Int J Dermatol, 2015 Jan 20. Doi 10.111/ijd. 12770


  1. Al-Khenaizan SH, Mohajer KA. “Cowden syndrome. Early presentation, late diagnosis" Saudi Med J 2012 May;33(5):562-4


  1. Al-Khenaizan S, Al-Berouti B. “Flagellate pigmentation: a unique adverse effect of bleomycin therapy" Eur J Dermatol. 2011 Jan;26
  2. Al-Khenaizan S, Al-Berouti B. “Flagellate pigmentation: a unique adverse effect of bleomycin therapy" Eur J Dermatol. 2011 Jan-Feb;21(1):146


  1. Al Mohanna H, Al-Khenaizan S. “Permanent alopecia following cranial irradiation in a child" J Cutan Med Sug, 2010 May-Jun; 14(3): 141-3
  2. AlKhodair R, Al-Khenaizan S, “Fish tank granuloma: misdiagnosed as cutaneous leishmaniasis" Int J Dermatol. 2010 Jan;49(1):53-5
  3. Al-Khenaizan S, “Practical Tip: Precooling topical calcineurin inhibitors tube; reduces burning sensation" Dermatol Online J 2010 Apr 15;16(4):16
  4. Al-Mubarak L, Al-Khenaizan S. Al Goufi T. “Cutaneous Presentation of Kwashiorkor due to Infantile Crohn's Disease" Eur J Pediatr 2010 Jan;169(1):117-9. Epub 2009 Apr 8


  1. Al Mubarak L, Al-Khenaizan S. “A Wolf in Sheep's Disguise: Rhabdomyosarcoma Misdiagnosed as Infatile Hemangioma" J Cutan Med Surg. 2009 Sep-Oct; 13(5): 276-9
  2. Ba Armah D. Al-Khenaizan S. Al Wakeel A. “Isolated Simple Anhidrosis: A rare cause of fever of unknown origin" Curr Pediatr Res 2009;13(1&2):13-15
  3. Al-Mubarak L, Al-Khenaizan S. Al Goufi T. “Cutaneous Presentation of Kwashiorkor due to Infantile Crohn's Disease" Eur J Pediatr 2009 Apr 8.
  4. Al Jasser M, Al-Khenaizan S. “A 3-year-old Boy with a Depressed, Whitish Lesion on the Left Buttock" Ann Saudi Med. 2009 Mar-Apr, 29 (2): 153.


  1. Al-Mubarak L, Al Makadma M, Al-Khenaizan S. Infantile Systemic Hyalinosis presenting as Intractable Infantile Diarrhea. Eur J Pediatr. 2008.
  2. Al-Khenaizan S, Al Alwan I. “Topical Steroids Induced Cushing Syndrome." Ann Saudi Med. 2008; 28:300-2.
  3. Al Jasser M, Al-Khenaizan S. Cutaneous Mimickers Of Child Abuse: A Primer For Pediatricians. Eur J Pediatr. 2008;167:1221-30. Epub 2008.
  4. Al-Khenaizan S, Al Mubarak L. Ulcerative Lichen Planus of the Sole: Excellent Response to Topical Tacrolimus. Int J Dermatol. 2008;47:626-8.
  5. Al-Bedaia M, Al-Khenaizan S. Acromegaly presenting as cutis verticis gyrata. Int J Dermatol. 2008;47:164.
  6. Al-Khenaizan S. Facial Cutaneous Ulcers Following Mesotherapy. Dermatol Surg. 2008;832-4
  7. Memish SA, Al-Khenaizan S, Memish ZA. Dermatologic challenges of pilgrimage. Clin Dermatol. 2008;26:52-61.


  1. Al-Khenaizan S, Al Thubaiti M, Al Alwan I. “Insulin-Induced Lipoatrophy. A New Case Possibly Caused By Lispro Insulin". Pediatr Diabetes. 2007 Dec;8:393-6.
  2. Al-Shobaili H, Al-Khenaizan S. “Childhood Generalized Pustular Psoriasis: Successful Treatment with Isotretinoin and Acitretin. Two Case Reports". Pediatric Dermatol. 200724(5):563-4
  3. Bin Amer Y, Al-Khenaizan S. “Fatal Malignant Melanoma in a Child with Neurofibromatosis Type I." International Journal of Dermatology, 2007;46(9):967-70.
  4. Al Ajroush N, Al-Khenaizan S Isolated Nail Lichen Planus with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis in a Child. Saudi Medical Journal. 2007; 28(9):1441-2.
  5. Alothman A, Al Qahtani M, Al-Khenaizan S. Erythema induratum: What is the role of Mycobacterium tuberculosis? Annals of Saudi Medicine. 2007;27(4):298-300.
  6. Al-Khenaizan S. Nokor needle Marking: a simple method to maintain orientation during subcision. J Drugs Dermatolog. 2007;6:343-4.
  7. Bin Saif, Al-Khenaizan S. Netherton Syndrome: Successful use of topical tacrolimus and pimecrolimus in four siblings. International Journal of Dermatology. 2007;46(3):290-294.


  1. Al-Khenaizan S. Surgical Pearl: Elastic Net Instead of Ink To Mark Botox Injection Sites For Frontal Hyperhidrosis. Journal Drugs in Dermatology 2006;5:1016.
  2. Al Shahwan, Al-Khenaizan S, Al-Khalifa M. Black (Samsum) ant induced anaphylaxis in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal 2006; 27:1761-1763.


  1. Al-Khenaizan, Maha Almuneef, Osama Kentab. “Lichen Sclerosus Mistaken for Child Sexual Abuse". Int J Dermatol, 2005 Apr; 44(4): 317-20.
  2. Al-Khenaizan S, Al-Watban L. Parry-Romberg syndrome. Overlap with linear morphea. Saudi Med J. 2005 Feb; 26(2):317-19


  1. Al-Khenaizan S. Hyperpigmentation in Chediak-Higashi Syndrome. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2003 Nov; 49:244-6.
  2. Al-Muneef M, Al-Khenaizan S, Al Ajaji S, Al Anazi, A. Pyogenic Liver Abscess and Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome: Not a Rare Association. Pediatrics. 2003;111:e85-8. Review.
  3. Al-Khenaizan S, Vitale P. Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type II With Alopecia: Two Case Reports And Review Of The Literature. International Journal of Dermatology. 2003 p;42(9):682-5.


  1. Al-Khenaizan S, Al-Jasmi F. Cutaneous foreign bodies: elusive presentation. Case report and review of the literature. Int J Dermatol., 2002; 41:293-5.
  2. Al-Khenaizan S, Al-Jasmi F. X-linked ichthyosis and undescended testes. International Journal of Dermatology. 2002;41:614-6.
  3. Al-Khenaizan S. Papillon-Lefévre Syndrome: The Response to Acitretin. International Journal of Dermatology. 2002;41:938-41.


  1. Al-Khenaizan S, Al-Sannaa N, Teebi A.S. What Syndrome Is This? Chondro-ectodermal dysplasia – the Ellis-van-Creveld Syndrome. Pediatric Dermatol. 2001 Jan; 18(1):68-70.
  2. Al-Khenaizan, S. Lichen planus occurring after hepatitis B vaccination: a new case. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Vol. 45, No. 4, October 2001.


  1. Al-Khenaizan, S. Incontinentia Pigmenti. Annals of Saudi Medicine. Vol. 20, Nos. 5-6, 2000.


  1. Al-Khenaizan S, Schechter J.F., Sasseville D. “Pseudoporphyria induced by propionic acid derivatives" Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 1999; 3:162-166.
  2. Sasseville D, Ghamdi WA, Khenaizan SA. “Interferon-induced cutaneous necrosis". Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 1999; 3:320-323.


  1. Sasseville D, Al-Khenaizan S. “Occupational contact dermatitis from ethylenediamine in a wire- drawing lubricant". Contact Dermatitis 1997; 36:228-229.

B. Books:


  1. Sultan Al-Khenaizan and Luluah Al Mubarak. Epidermolysis Bullosa and other blistering Genodermatoses: An Update. Advances in Pediatric Dermatology – 2 Neonatal Dermatology. Chapter 5; p51-70, 2014.


  1. Al-Khenaizan S. Macular amyloidosis, In: Habif T, James W. Editors; Medicine: Dermatology. Boston: Medicine Corporation, 1999.
  2. Al-Khenaizan S. Lichen amyloidosis. In: Habif T, James W. Editors; Medicine: Dermatology. Boston: Medicine Corporation, 1999.

Dr. Rayan Al Khodair

  1. AlKhodair, R. and Al-Khenaizan, S. (2010), Fish tank granuloma: misdiagnosed as

    cutaneous leishmaniasis. International Journal of Dermatology,49:53–55.

  2. Alghamdi KM, Alkhodair RA. Practical techniques to enhance the safety of health care

    workers in office-based surgery. J Cutan Med Surg2011; 15: 48–54.

  3. Al Ali A, Alkhodair R, Thuraisingam T, Gerstein W, Watters K. Multiple granuloma

    annulare lesions presenting simultaneously with herpes zoster infection: Wolf's isotopic

    response.JAAD Case Rep. 2018;4(7):631-632.

  4. Hassani-Ardakani K, Thuraisingam T, Thai DV, et al. A case of Kawasaki disease

    masked by pustular type psoriasiform eruptions.JAAD Case Rep. 2018;4(6):558-561.

  5. Alnami A, Alkhayal N, Alkhodair R. A rare manifestation of systemic sarcoidosis with

    livedo reticularis-like eruption in a pediatric patient: A case report. JAAD Case Rep.


  6. AlHammad G, AlMaziad H, AlKhodair R. Extensive onychomycosis in a patient with good

    syndrome. J Dermatol Dermatol Surg 2019;23:38-40

  7. Le M, Gabrielli S, Ghazawi FM, et al. Efficacies and merits of the cotton swab technique

    for diagnosing tinea capitis in the pediatric population. Journal of the American Academy of

    Dermatology. 2020 Sep;83(3):920-922. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.01.009. PMID:


  8. Alshahrani AA, Al-Tuwaijri R, Abuoliat ZA, Alyabsi M, AlJasser MI, Alkhodair R.

    Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Alopecia Areata at a Tertiary Care Center in

    Saudi Arabia. Dermatol Res Pract. 2020;2020:7194270.

  9. Al-Rwebah H, Alkhodair R, Al-Khenaizan S. Propranolol-induced hyperkalemia in the

    management of infantile hemangioma. JAAD Case Rep. 2020;6(4):359-361. Published 2020

    Mar 25. doi:10.1016/j.jdcr.2020.01.028

  10. Almaziad, Hatoun M., et al. "Assessment of dermatologists' perception of utilizing

    teledermatology during COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia." Saudi Medical Journal, vol.

    42, no. 9, Sept. 2021, pp.

Pediatric Dermatology Division Leadership

Dr. Waleed Al Ajorush

Division Head, Pediatric Dermatology