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Pediatric Nephrology Division

The Division of Pediatric Nephrology at King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital (KASCH) cares for infants and children with congenital and acquired kidney disease from all over the Kingdom and other Gulf countries. We are one of the largest pediatric nephrology services in the Saudi Arabia.

Mission of Pediatric Nephrology

We are committed to making patients happier and giving them a better experience through good care. We are committed to learning more to improve how we diagnose and treat children with kidney disease, the need for dialysis, and the need for a kidney transplants. Our team is involved in educational programs and research to help train future doctors and leaders who will help people with kidney disease live healthier lives.

Vision of Pediatric Nephrology

To be the premier leading center for renal health and transplantation adhering to the highest standards of service, training and research.

Objectives of Pediatric Nephrology

  • Excellence.

  • The care of at risk population.

  • Integrity and commitment.

Pediatric Nephrology Programs

Four Pediatric Nephrologists work with a dedicated team of specialist nephrology nurses, dietitians, social workers, psychologists, pharmacists, and administrative professionals to provide care that is comprehensive, family-centered, and patient-friendly.

All members of the Division are taught how to work together to make decisions and how important it is to keep the Division's reputation for good service known worldwide.

The Nephrology team takes care of a wide range of people who are hospitalized under the Nephrology service and gives advice to the whole hospital.

Nephrology outpatient clinics include general nephrology, transplant, and dialysis clinics. Our daycare staff is excellent and takes care of the patients daily.

The dialysis unit is one of the few best dialysis units in the United Kingdom for kids who need it regularly. We offer hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT).

Our pediatric kidney transplant center is one of the busiest places in Saudi Arabia where kidneys are transplanted into kids. Working with the Pediatric Kidney Transplant Surgical Team, we care for kids up to 14 years old who have end-stage kidney disease.

The kidney transplant program at our hospital uses kidneys from both living donors and people who have already died. It also does transplants for the liver and kidneys. A multidisciplinary team handles all parts of a kidney transplant, from the evaluation to the follow-up care after the transplant.

Pediatric Nephrology Education and Training

Pediatric Nephrology Fellowship Training Program is one of the programs established at the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, King Abdul-Aziz Medical City Riyadh, and part of a joint program all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the umbrella of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. The duration of the program is two years.

Pediatric Nephrology KPIs

  • Patient education about chronic kidney disease to reduce the progression to end stage renal failure.

  • Introduction of digital tool to help patient with chronic kidney disease in the decision of real replacement therapy.

  • Reduce peritonitis incidence in patient on peritoneal dialysis.

Pediatric Nephrology Clinical Care Outcomes

  • Peritonitis episode

  • Central line infection in hemodialysis patient

Pediatric Nephrology Achievements and Awards

We are proud that we achieve zero incident of central line infection in our hemodialysis unit.

Pediatric Nephrology Research and Publications

Research is an important part of the work of the Pediatric Nephrology Division. We are attached to King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC), renowned for its notable core research projects.


  1. Al Fakeeh K, Al Rasheed S. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in the Nephrotic Syndrome. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant 2000; 11(1):59-63.
  2. Al Kadri H, Al-Hunain S, Al Rubaish S, Alamir A, Alfakeeh K Didelphic uterus and obstructed hemivagina resulting in obstructed hydronephrosis of transplanted kidney J Pediatr Surg. 2009 Jan;44(1):e13-5.
  3. Layla Alshamsan, Amal Al Harbi, Khalid Fakeeh, and Esam Al Banyan The value of renal ultrasound in children with a first episode of urinary tract infection Ann Saudi Med. 2009 Jan-Feb; 29(1): 46–49 Ann Saudi Med. 2009 Jan-Feb; 29(1): 46–49.
  4. K.Alsaad, N. Oudah, A.Al Ameer,K. Fakeeh, A. Al Jomaih, Glomerulonephritis with Crescents in Children: Etiology and Predictors of Renal Outcome: ISRN Pediatrics Volume 2011 :507298.
  5. K. Alsaad, Khalid Al Fakeeh Acute diffuse proliferative post-infectious glomerulonephritis in renal allograft – A case report and literature review Pediatric Transplantation Volume 18, Issue 3, pages 77– 82, May 2014.
  6. Majid Alfadhel, Khalid A Al Hasan, Mohammed Alotaibi, Khalid Al Fakeeh: Extreme Intrafamilial Variability of Saudi Brothers with Primary Hyperoxaluria TYPE 1. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2012:8 ,373–376.
  7. Khalid Alfakeeh, Mohammed Azar, Majid Alfadhel , Rare genetic variant in the CFB gene presenting as atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome and immune complex diffuse membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, with crescents, successfully treated with eculizumab pediatr Nephrol( 16 Feb 2017) doi 10.1007/s00467-016-3577-0.
  8. Abdulrahman Obaid, Marwan Nashaba, Khalid Al Fakeeh ,Delineation of cystinuria in Saudi Arabia: A case series , BMC Nephrology BMC series 201718:50 doi : 10.1186/s12882-017-0469-x.
  9. Mohammed Azar, Malek Oeid Otaibi, Flor, Khalid Al Fakeeh Type 1 membrane failure in a pediatric patient, Succesfully treated with icodextrin. Vascul Dis Ther, 2017 Volume 2(3): 1-4 doi: 10.15761/VDT.1000121.
  10. Mohammed Azar, Wee Song Yeo, Aamir Omair, Khalid Al Fakeeh Value of accelerated peritoneal examination time in pediatric nocturnal intermittent peritoneal dialysis Vascul Dis Ther, 2017 Volume 2(3): 1-4 doi: 10.15761/VDT.1000123.
  11. Tahir Hameed, Abdullah Al Nafeesah, Syed Chishti, Mohammed Al Shaalan, Khaled Al Fakeeh. Community-acquired urinary tract infections in children. International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 6 (2019) 51e54.
  12. Khalid Alfakeekha, Mohammed Azar a, Banan Al Sowailmi b, Saja Alsulaimanb, Salwa Al Makdobb, Aamir Omair b, Esam Albanyana, Manal Saleh Bawazeer. Immunosuppressive burden and risk factors of infection in primary childhood nephrotic syndrome. Journal of Infection and Public Health 12 (2019) 90–94.
  13. Muneera Alabdulqader & Khalid Alfakeeh. A patient with a homozygous diacylglycerol kinase epsilon (DGKE) gene mutation with atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome and low C3 responded well to eculizumab: a case report BMC Nephrology volume 22, Article number: 140 (2021).
  14. A Case Report in Homocystinuria Type 3. Eissa, A Al Amir, A Abutaleb, M Ozand. Published in Brain and Development (May 1991)
  15. Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (Byler;s Disease) in Arab Children. A Kagalwalla, A Al Amir et al. Annals at Tropical Paediatric (1995) 15, 321-327.
  16. Benign Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholestasis. Edrees, Zaben, Amir, Abdullah. Will be published in Annals of Tropical Pediatric, June 1999.
  17. Cardiovascular Rick in Pediatric Hemodialysis Patients. Al Amir, L. Bell
  18. Senior – locken syndrome in Saudi child. Saudi journal of kidney disease and organ transplantation 2008;19(3):443-445
  19. Maha Al Harbi1, Abdulrahman Al Amir2,3, Abdullah Alzulfah2,3 and Fuad Al Mutairi1,3 Heterozygous mutation in SLC36A2 causing hyperglycinuria and nephrolithiasis. Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics, 2019.
  20. mohamed azaar,Abdulrahman alamir Abdullah Thabet. Impact of an inline extracorporeal membrane oxygenation hemofilter system in neonatal acute kidney injury Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2018 .

Pediatric Nephrology Leadership

Dr. Khamisa Almokali

Head Division, Pediatric Nephrology