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Pediatric Pulmonology Division

Welcome to the Division of Pediatric Pulmonology at King Abdullah Specialized Children Hospital (KASCH).

The division provides state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment of lung disease and breathing disorders in infants, children, and teenagers in the context of Inpatient and Outpatient consultations.

Our division is a major referral center for children with many pulmonary diseases.
We provide comprehensive clinical services for infants and children with respiratory disorders. Along with treating patients, we train future pediatric pulmonologists.

Mission of Pediatric Pulmonology Division

Our goal is to give children in need high-quality, all-around, specialized health care services in the field of pulmonary. We also want to give future health care leaders the best education possible and learn more by doing research projects.

Vision of Pediatric Pulmonology Division

To be recognized as the specialized healthcare provider in the felid of pulmonology nationwide.

Objectives of Pediatric Pulmonology Division

  1. The main principle is to deliver comprehensive and complex clinical care at the highest level by ensuring a safe environment guided by quality measurements.
  2. Provided a high level of education by applying Respect, Compassion, and Caring to how we teach our students, care for our patients and work with our colleagues.
  3. To encourage professional growth by a commitment to an effective, efficient, transparent strategic plan in the field of research.

Pediatric Pulmonology Programs

Outpatient Services

  • Pulmonology Clinic: We are running 4 clinics weekly, including general pulmonology conditions to advanced cases.
  • Referrals: Accepting referrals from other outpatient services and other centers needed specialized pulmonology care.

Inpatient Services

  • Inpatients: We take care of patients with respiratory problems who have been admitted to our care.

  • Consultations: About 1,000 consultations are done each year, ranging from inpatient wards to ICU/ER cases that are complicated or very serious.
  • As part of a multidisciplinary team, we care for children in the community and at the hospital who need long-term ventilation support.

  • Pediatric bronchoscopy: We give our kids the best possible tertiary medical care using airway endoscopy as a diagnostic and treatment tool.
  • Polysomnography, or a "sleep study," is a fully equipped sleep lab that can be used to diagnose and treat sleep-related breathing disorders in children.
  • Pulmonary Function Test Lab (PFT): A fully functional PFT lab is used as an assessment tool (Spirometry, lung volumes, DLCO, and exercise studies) that helps figure out how the lungs work.

Pediatric Pulmonology Education and Training

Pulmonology fellowship Program: Our institute works with other hospitals in Riyadh that are part of the program to offer a Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship fully accredited by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.

Pediatric Pulmonology KPIs

  • Access to care within 4 weeks

  • Access to urgent pediatric sleep study within 4 weeks

  • Annual labs and tests for Cystic Fibrosis

  • Readmission rate in 30 days of discharge

Pediatric Pulmonology Clinical Care Outcomes

  • Access to care more than 4 weeks should not exceed 10%
  • Access to urgent pediatric sleep study within 4 weeks should not exceed 10 %
  • Annual labs and tests for Cystic Fibrosis should be implemented 100% as per international guidelines
  • Readmission rate in 30 days of discharge should be zero

Pediatric Pulmonology Research and Publications

  • AlBalawi M, Castro-Codesal M, Featherstone R, Sebastianski M, Van dermeer B, Alkhaledi B, Bedi P, Abusido T, Maclean JE. Outcomes of Long-term Non-invasive Ventilation Use in Children with Neuromuscular Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2021 Jun.

  • Mutairi F, Alkhalaf R, Alkhorayyef A, Alroqi F, Yusra A, Umair M, et al. Homozygous truncating NEK10 mutation, associated with primary ciliary dyskinesia: a case report. BMC pulmonary medicine. 2020 May;20201):141.


  • Abusido T, Almasood J. Case report for Congenital lobar emphysema, Poster presentation at Pediatric Pulmonary congress, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2019.

  • Al-Harbi S, Al-Harbi AS, Al-Khorayyef A, Al-Qwaiee M, Al-Shamarani A, Al-Aslani W, et al. Awareness regarding childhood asthma in Saudi Arabia. Annals of thoracic medicine. 2016;11(1):60–5.

  • Abusido T. A Passport of Dengue Fever to Riyadh A Case Report of a Boy who Travelled to Riyadh Carrying Dengue Fever. Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Open Access. 2016 Jan 1;01.

  • Albackr H, Albacker T, Alkhorayyef A.Postoperative Use of Sildenafil for Pulmonary Hypertension after Adult Cardiac Surgery, A Review Article Authors: Corresponding author. Experimental and clinical cardiology. 2014 May 19;20.

  • Jassim N, Alghaihab M, Saleh S al, Alfadhel M, Wamelink MMC, Eyaid W. Pulmonary manifestations in a patient with transaldolase deficiency. JIMD reports. 2014;12:47–50.

  • Bawazeer M, Aljeraisy M, Albanyan E, Abdullah A, al Thaqa W, Alenazi J, Alotabi Z, Alghaihab M et al. Effect of combined dexamethasone therapy with nebulized r-epinephrine or salbutamol in infants with bronchiolitis: A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Avicenna journal of medicine. 2014 Jul;4(3):58–65.

  • Al Rukban H, al Ghaihab M, Tamimi O, Al-Saleh S. Clinical spectrum of infantile scimitar syndrome: A tertiary center experience. Annals of pediatric cardiology. 2014 Jan;7(1):29–33.

  • Alkhorayyef A, Ryerson L, Chan A, Phillipos E, Lacson A, Adatia I. Pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis associated with pulmonary hypertension and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Pediatric cardiology. 2013 Feb;34(2):462–6.

  • Tamimi ORJ, Al-Ghaihab M, al Akhfash AA. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus in infantile form of Scimitar syndrome with a type II Amplatzer Ductal Occluder. Journal of the Saudi Heart Association. 2010 Apr;22(2):65–7.

  • Eyaid W, AlBalwi M, Al-Ghaihab M. Usual phenotype for Cystic fibrosis. Abstract Presented at The Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics; 2004 Oct 26-30; Toronto, Canada.

  • Al-Ghaihab M, Desjardins D, Sonno PD, Davis GM. Respiratory Reactance(Xrs) in Asthmatic children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000; 161(3): A345.

  • Ongoing research

  • Maclean JE, Adeleye A, Van Dam A, Abusido T, Adamko DJ, Amin R , Campisi P , Constantin E, Duncan JA, Dyck G , Jones J ,Kevat A, Lee J, Shi J, Zelman M. Alternative Tests for Identification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children, A Systematic Review.

  • Accepted at American thoracic society (ATS) journal 2021

  • Abusido T, Gerdung C, Chan A, Carroll. Rare incidence of Interstitial lung disease (NKX2.1) with Urea Cycle defect.

  • Accepted at Canadian thoracic Society journal. 2021Abusido T, power K, Bedi P. Impact of mask fitting and headgear adaptation on adherence.

  • Ongoing retrospective cohort study, currently on data collection stage.

  • Abusido T. Noninvasive ventilation in Trisomy 21 patients. Ongoing Systematic review

Pediatric Pulmonology Leadership

Dr. Mohammed Al Ghaihab

Division Head, Pediatric Pulmonology
Dean, Deanship of Admissions and Registration