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Symptoms of Fainting and Causes

Symptoms of Fainting and Causes  

Fainting occurs due to decreased blood supply to brain and is usually very brief. It may not have medical significance or the cause can be a serious disorder. Therefore, treat loss of consciousness as a medical emergency until the symptoms are relieved and the cause is identified.

Symptoms:man in a faint

Before fainting, you may experience the following:

  • Rapid heart beat or palpitations
  • Dim vision
  • Nausea
  • Excessive sweating

What to do if you feel faint?

  • Lie down, or sit down and position your head between your knees.
  • If fainting is associated with a fall, treat any bumps, bruises or cuts. Control bleeding with direct pressure.
  • If the fainting spells continue to occur, inform a physician. 

What to do if someone else faints?

  • Position them on their back.
  • Check to see if airways are clear.
  • Restore blood flow by loosening clothing/belts/collars.
  • Elevate feet above head level.
  • Check if breathing/pulse is normal.
  • If circulation or breathing is absent begin CPR.
  • Call 997 or your local emergency number. Continue CPR until help arrives or the person responds and begins to breathe.


This information is provided by the NGHA Content Advisory Board and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your health care provider.

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Last Modified

12/2/2020 11:37 AM

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